Is it wrong that I really want to sleep with this one teacher?
I got an A in her course, helped her with computer stuff all term and we both are mind blown and hating of the whiny bitching girls at the journalism school
She gave me her cell phone number a while back which I thought was weird since she's brand new here. I texted her happy new year and good luck.
I had a question about using a program she's very familiar with and she offered to meet me over break.
Yeah, and plus I emailed her a long email once saying I'm not going to college to get a letter grade, I really want to learn and know things and she was really touched by that email
And plus she let us have a break in our two hour class and wouldn't start until I sat back down even though I was the last one
God she's like the one woman in that school who realizes how whiny and bitching these girls are which makes her oh so much hotter.
What should I do SG?!