SG was a place i called home for 2 years. It gave me the affirmation of my life, my values, how i view women, the realm of the tattoo scene. It was amazing. I had made many friends, most which have been lost unfortunately. I've grown a lot due to SG, and I thank you all for that.
What SG was on the old site was family, a community. We were weirdos, misfits, punk, outcasts, and everything outside the norm of chanel and (for my age) sororities and fraternities. I had girls who were sisters to me, where we'd write page long messages detailing our lives back and forth every month. They were my best friends. I'm not the most social person, and being in a college town where peolple smoke weed and drink everyday put me as the outcast loner. SG made up for my lack of real life friends. I've got to see their accomplishments, hear their brutal lives, and most importantly see them grow. Doing my 6 month and year review of myself and my SG friends was truly a joy. I love you girls so much.
The new SG however, is everything I despise. It has become social media mindless. On the old site, when you posted a blog, it meant something. It was a monumental post that had emotion, sadness, happiness, and everything inbetween. Now it is just mindless selfies and egotistical bullshit. Half the people have go fund me(which is fucking rude. especially for tattoo money. part of the greatness of a tattoo was saving up that hard earned money for a piece) or just like my instagram.
Member review is just a rush of hopefuls trying to turn pink for validation. It is not about celebrating alternative beauty, it is for the hopefuls self worth. the good sets, the classic SG sets told STORIES. It was a PIN UP PHOTOSHOOT. Now every set is 90% their face. there are no variety of shots, no cutaways that show a crucial piece of the story. They dont have any story. It is just "you are my SG friends, i'm naked love me pink pppplllleeeeaaassssseeee!!! <3<3<3" If you set has no story it wont be bought, and it shouldnt be. The whole basis of sets is a shatter fickle remnant joke that it is sti;ll trying to give the old SG message. A lot of hopefuls have a honeymoon period. They post 3 blogs a day, then a 2 page long brutal honest about me and my hard life, what SG is, how it's my dream since 15. And boom they become pink and are dead on the site. Those ladies can kindly fuck off. It cheats us, uses us as pawns in your egotistical quest and is fucking selfish.
Most of my true friends have me on facebook. If you want to add me then it really shows if i even matter.
It is sad how I have such disgust for what was once the core of my life. But a new era has dawned for SG, one I will not be a part of.