I've decided i'm done with Sg when my membership runs up. For me, Sg was the first place I felt home. It was a place about celebrating alternative beauty and lifestyles. When I see sets, it was powerful, driven, and intense. They had a purpose and it amazed me with what being an SG stood for. Now all of the sets I see are a desperation for becoming pink and do not celebrate what SG was founded on. I understand women want validation and becoming pink is part of that. But I do not feel that was SG is for. It is a place to love, admire, promote, evoke, and relate to each other on alternative lifestyle choices and appearances.
Most girls i've met on here have a phase i've seen time and time again. “hi i'm new to Sg it has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl! Here's multiple blog posts a day. Here's a big blog about me. Please please please make me pink! I'm hot naked and inked up, i'm all a SG is! Please give me love!”
Submitting a set has become a conquest for being pink, not celebrating alternative beauty. The old sets used to tell STORIES. It had wide shots, medium, close up, detail, and cut away. Now every set I see is every single picture has her face in it. They are pin up sets with stories, or at least they used to be. Now it's “i'm hot and naked and have tattoos make me piiiiink!” The magic isn't there anymore. They are standard photosets that does not embody what SG used to stand for.
Now with this new site change it has becomes as mindless as all other social media. Back on the old site it meant something when you wrote blogs. Using smiley faces, embedding pictures, but most importantly sharing your lives. Now it is just superficial status updates with a sexy shot thrown in. Sg has become a social media franchise now, not a community founded upon celebrating the outside of the norm person.
A few friends I have on facebook(whihc I use only for chat) so at least the ones who matter and genuinely care about our friendship have reached out. But I'm sad to say there is no more magic in SG for me.
I've grown out of that mass rush to explore all things tattoo/piercing. I'm working forward with my life and discovering who I am. SG seems like an old value that doesn't even promote itself as anymore.
I doubt most know my life story or even care to read my big blogs, but I don't need to write them anymore or get validation from the comments of the “close friends” who read them, if they even did.
So long SG, you were once a dream come true, but now I'm left with bitterness and angst over the disappearing values you once held.