Got drunk of anesthesia. made a video of my drunken rambles
they think i have H Pylori which i tested for months ago negative but i got an endoscope and they say i might have it.
Major school work research assignment. can any1 think of good points in history for body modification? I thought of the costco legal case, the beginning of body beautiful in guinness book of world records, the tattoo sanitation board/certification, piercing sanitation/certification, SG of course. the hollywood plastic surgery boom.
Going to grab a drink with my buddy Kevin who i havent seen since idaho(he moved here too!) on saturday and trent on friday. I dont know my thoughts on my alcohol consumption but i've never had a problem with it. i only drank on weekends and never day drank. eh who knows? i just need to be loud and laugh.
i'm going to the SG blackheart Burlesque in portland on the 23rd!
Panda out