quick post will do video blog. got an A B and (somehow in fuck knows how a C to an A) in my classes! have a 2.87 GPA form a 2.4 need 2.9 to declare full major. went to ER because i thought i was having a heart attack-VERY BAD Acid Reflux disease. Seeing nutrionist on wednesday. Over wieght still sick, have stitches in my head from a cyst. My life suxxxx

Just focus on the positive and build from there. Negativity and bad circumstances never stop, just get better at not letting them make you feel defeated. Your grades sound good, better than mine would be haha. Take care. 

Thanks buddy! I'm sorry to hear about the ER trip
My dad has bad acid reflux as well. I agree, focus on the positives and remember that most of life's problems, while hard, are only temporary and you can fight through it