My girly Orka is seriously rocking with her first MR set!!!!


Go love on it, please??? Pretty please? I'll love you forever!!! biggrin
I'm soooooo excited this set is doing so well!!!!! biggrin You young lady should be proud of yourself since my set and Orka's set are both rating not only at 90% but over 90%!
Awww.... (blushing, and scuffing the floor with her fake red Chuckie T's).... Thanks smile
So I logged on today and started running through the latest hopeful sets in member review... And I think I have stumbled upon a trend.

As of late- the majority of the hopeful sets in review are bordering on a gynocological exam! I am completly all for showing your stuff and flaunting the holy shit out of it, but really? That much? This site celebrates...
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Look at Arabella, I don't believe shes shown any vag in her SG sets that have gone live and shes had like 3 I believe. Proof you don't have to show.
Orka's set is doing awesome!!!!! biggrin
First official snow fall here in MI is happening today...

Bah-humbug and stuff...

The lunatics are out driving and freaking out while the snow isn't actually sticking at all...

This does not bode well for the rest of winter...
I love snow in MI, but it's a pity most forget how to drive in it over the summer, and some never do. I'm headed up to the U.P. in a few weeks, hope there will be snow there! My philosophy, if you're not breaking the tires loose on accelerations, your not driving hard enough in the snow. smile One of my favorite pass times, night time joy rides in my truck during snowstorms, with good music and hot chocolate.
Rare, but Possible

Yesterday, while out running about with Hubby, I witnessed something that infuriated me so deeply- that it short circuited my brain and I was useless the rest of the afternoon. I was so upset I was shaking uncontrolablly and couldn't focus on anything but the rage inside of me- that Hubby was fully waiting for me to unleashed on the sorry bastard...
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What a prick. You should of said all of it. <3
Thursday, November 3, 2011: Of All the Things I've Lost...
I missed my mind the most... Ozzy Osborn.

That is exactly what I kept thinking last night. Somewhere between Hubby getting home and dinner dishes being washed- I lost it. My mind, that is. Completely. And not in that happy lunatic, ranting crazy person way... But in that incredibly bored, can't focus on anything, couldn't...
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it is really amazing that we are 7 billion in the world is really really wowwww
youre more than welcome smile how are you today? i hope super hiper good smile
Thursday, October 27, 2011: I Don't Understand...
I need to rant. I need to get something off my chest that Hubby doesn't want to hear anymore then I want this issue to have flared up once again. So pardon me if my rant gets a little heated but this chronic flare up of the issue denotes that this might get heated.

With a great grinding...
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Pshew! Other peoples rants are fun when you're in the peanut gallery. smile I'd love to know where her nick-name came from, but it was probably not a polite conversation. smile Hey, driving back from Muskeegon a few Sunday evenings ago, I honked in your and your husbands honor when I passed the Marne exit.
Fabulous Krunch! We live a mile or so just south of the highway so we probably heard you smile !
Sunday, October 23, 2011: Sunday... Slightly Boring Sunday
A heartbreaking blue sky above, that only October can have...
The sun that looks warm but doesn't feel it...
A walk in the cemetery...
Tall standing Maples donnign their golden robes of Autumn...
Looking down on me-
making me feel oh so little.

The crunch of leaves under my feet...
Releasing that scent of Autumn so cherished......
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Yes it is a beautiful month in MI. Especially is cemetaries which are so peaceful and beautiful. I blew the horn as I drove by the Marne exit on 96 in your and your husbands honor a couple of sundays ago. smile
aWWW... You are so sweet!!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Holy Mother of...

Imagine- if you will- little 'ol me... All cute, bitchy, and petite (I said imagine, didn't I?)- buried up to my shoulders in a mountain of stuff. Photos, pieces of paper filled with things to write about, laundry, books to put away, oh- and did I mention photos? I feel almost hopelessly lost in the slurry of things...
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love that song
I am back from a great three day getaway to a beach house up north... I took about 2000 pictures while I was there and spent many a romantic moment with my hubby...

Unfortuantlye this is the same hubby that kissed me good bye on his way to work this morning and neglected to say after "I love you, snugs..." the whole- happy birthday thing.......
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Happy Birthday pretty lady. Don't let a few things get you down, it seems nice out, You have a wonderful life, and amazing talents. Hubby may have missed his cue, but I'm certain he'll make it up to you. Chin up smile
Happy birthday, love.