Oh giggles!!!

I found a template in Microsoft Word Suite for the old elementary school game of M.A.S.H.

Guess what me and my friend Mouse will be playing tomorrow night in the blizzard while waiting for Grey's Anatomy and eating ice cream???
Monday, January 2, 2012: Blowing Smoke Up My What???
So- we officially had the first "Death Snow Blizzard" of 2012. Yeah- had, ladies and gentlemen. What I would like to know is exactly where did the 2 feet of snow fall? Cause it wasn't here. Sure we are having the fluctuating "snow bands" on and off but gees- talk about a shit ton of hype...
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Thank you inkblot98 for not ripping me a new asshole or calling me foul names or threatening me smile unlike someone else on this site ...

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I do know T&C has / is making a fn jerk out of himself and sometimes I just want to slap him with a fist mad cuz the issue(s) can be so simply overcome and worked out with the dearest Kirin if he would just talk to her. I know he doesn't want to upset her and make her angry or hurt her ... but the blonde male idiot does not get it!!! He is hurting her more by not talking to her asap. His foolish hopes of things working out for the best only happen in movies and not irl. Idiot man-child.

Oh who ripped you a new one? He or she that did is an a-hole to the max! Instead of hurting your beautiful little fist- I say slap him with a phone book, might work better smile
Thursday, December 29, 2011: Stuff and Old Wounds

First- the old wounds bit...

Today in the grocery store- I saw a girl that went to high school with me. She looked older, hagged, and completely miserable with her three loud children in tow. This made me smile. Seeing the sadness in her eyes made me a touch gleeful inside. During school- she was one of...
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A little quirky- I know. But I got the idea last night to interview myselfsmile It's fun to think how I would answer these questions... And I didsmile

As I, the nervous interviewer, awaits the arrival of the astounding woman I am about to interview- I nervously peck at my Cesar salad with grilled chicken, noticing I had random bits of animal fur on my...
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Here I am... Finishing up the last of the editing for the next set for Orka to go into MR. Well, as soon as I submit it, it will go into MR. And I keep watching the little clock in the corner of my computer screen- tick tick tick... 7PM and Orka's set will go up on the front page in MR. Check out...
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CAn you believe how much snow we have? WTF!!! I mean I hate snow...but damnit, I want a few inches of snow for christmas. *sigh*

Thank you so so so so so so much for the love! <3 <3 <3 Hope all is well gorgeous lady!
Could not be more well spoken. If we keep it up, girls are going to be moving here just for the pride of being specifically a Michigan SG.



I kinda feel like this, actually. One stationary main part with millions of branches sprouting and shooting off into different directions- yet... Yet, hear I sit, listening to the plastic wrapped window breath with the gusts of gray mist filled freezing wind.

I shot myself in the foot today with the discovery of my photo shop program doing what I want, where I want, and...
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I'm sorry. That's a shitty situation. I hope he gets to spend some time with you and the family before he inevitably gets called out. kiss
T'would b nice smilekiss
To Blog or Not to Blog...

I have been busy. Like get one thing accomplished and another four pop up on the list. Ever have one of those weeks? So other then crazy schedule- I'll start this at the evening of the Christmas party- last Wednesday...

So after going to pick up Hubby (who was at work on the truck- go figure), we drove down...
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I love it! Your gorgeous!
thanks for your comment on the Crystal'set blush
Why oh Why??

To first off warn each and every one of you who read this blog- it will not be nice. My ability to be nice has vanished into thin air much like my ability to sleep. I am completely incapable of having any form of a censorship button due to the fact I have been awake since 02:30 this morning. The one time...
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If you decide to have children, you'll see in schoo, after concerts and plays, they do the sam but worse. As hundreds of people try to move through the hallways, they will form in clumps to yak, with their children and husbands in tow, and block the entire corridor. Really you can't move yourselves over to the lockers before having your innane, incessant chattering begins. And it not just the housewives, the husbands by themselves will just decide to stop, with a lost look on their face and block the path for 5 minutes before realizing that all the body contact is frustrated people trying to get by.

And like an epedemic, it's spreading everwhere. People are just inconsiderate zombies blocking thru-ways. At our lunchtime coney, people consistent stand right in the entrance doorway while waiting to be seated, so no one else can enter, nor anyone leave. Then when you excuse yourself and get them to move so you can pass, they return back to the doorway. WTF, is it that much of a mental riddle to actually enter the restaurant and stand next to the cash register or by the booths. Flippin' cattle!

Don't get me started on people walking slowly, right down the middle of parking lot aisles, and not moving to oneside or the other when a car comes...

Anyways, Looking forward to the results of your shoot. smile
Hello!!!! So just to get business out of the way- please please please go show tons of love on Orka's set A Girl and Her Firetruck

And since Orka's set went up Kirin's set Green Summer has gone up a touch. Must be the photos of Orka at the shooting of this set.

We are all super proud of these sets and really...
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