By the power of the 1st Amendment- I post this edited picture I found in a random image search on Google-
The verbal assault this raving F*tard unleashed on a college student last week- while it was also his 1st Amendment right to say what he said- was uncalled for! Rush Limbaugh is a misogynist. A bastard. A worthless example of our human race! This mono-synaptic dullard needs to start looking at the world from 6 feet under, ladies and gentlemen. He called a woman a prostitute, a slut, for wanting to have her contraceptives covered by her health insurance given to her by her employer. What this moron's take on her statement? "Well, she wants to be paid for having so much sex she cannot afford the contraceptives. If we the taxpayers-" like this jerkwad pays his taxes? "Pay for her contraceptives- that makes us the pimps..." No- you fucking moron, it doesn't! Gees, why insult the only service that will get your pathetic ass serviced, you drug addicted shit head! The only way you could get laid is by a prostitute and hell- even they have standards!
This fucking infected penis wrink calls women with strong minds for independence "Femi-Nazis"!! How in the holy fuck is this ruthlessly stupid moron still allowed to walk under his own power? Really? Just because some of us women like to consider ourselves brave enough to flip the middle finger to bastards like him doesn't mean we deserve to be call "Femi-Nazis"!!!
I find the inconvienient fact that this asshat's paycheck come from advetisers that can't run fast enough from sponsering his radio show and a company owned by Mr. Mitt Romney. Fabulous! How does that make you feel Mr. Wannabe President? Do you have any comments about Rush and how you're company pays him to be a blithering fucking idiot on national radio? What? NO comment? Hmm, that doesn't look good for your campaign does it now? Rush Limbaugh is a egotistical asshat, that makes too much money for being an "on-air" asshole, kinda like those "Freebeer and Hotwings" dickheads in Grand Rapids.
On another random side note- Fractal Suicide was correct in what she Tweet'd this weekend- the next person that says "tattoos are a fashion statement" should be bitch slapped with a phone book. (the latter being my variation- she said "will get a Manolo heel up their ass")

The verbal assault this raving F*tard unleashed on a college student last week- while it was also his 1st Amendment right to say what he said- was uncalled for! Rush Limbaugh is a misogynist. A bastard. A worthless example of our human race! This mono-synaptic dullard needs to start looking at the world from 6 feet under, ladies and gentlemen. He called a woman a prostitute, a slut, for wanting to have her contraceptives covered by her health insurance given to her by her employer. What this moron's take on her statement? "Well, she wants to be paid for having so much sex she cannot afford the contraceptives. If we the taxpayers-" like this jerkwad pays his taxes? "Pay for her contraceptives- that makes us the pimps..." No- you fucking moron, it doesn't! Gees, why insult the only service that will get your pathetic ass serviced, you drug addicted shit head! The only way you could get laid is by a prostitute and hell- even they have standards!
This fucking infected penis wrink calls women with strong minds for independence "Femi-Nazis"!! How in the holy fuck is this ruthlessly stupid moron still allowed to walk under his own power? Really? Just because some of us women like to consider ourselves brave enough to flip the middle finger to bastards like him doesn't mean we deserve to be call "Femi-Nazis"!!!
I find the inconvienient fact that this asshat's paycheck come from advetisers that can't run fast enough from sponsering his radio show and a company owned by Mr. Mitt Romney. Fabulous! How does that make you feel Mr. Wannabe President? Do you have any comments about Rush and how you're company pays him to be a blithering fucking idiot on national radio? What? NO comment? Hmm, that doesn't look good for your campaign does it now? Rush Limbaugh is a egotistical asshat, that makes too much money for being an "on-air" asshole, kinda like those "Freebeer and Hotwings" dickheads in Grand Rapids.
On another random side note- Fractal Suicide was correct in what she Tweet'd this weekend- the next person that says "tattoos are a fashion statement" should be bitch slapped with a phone book. (the latter being my variation- she said "will get a Manolo heel up their ass")

Of course he apologizes, and says he didn't mean to call her those things, AFTER the advertisers left.

Ironic isn't it? Now one of the headlines today is that he is absolutely reveling in all the attention he's recived because of his big mouth