Monday, January 2, 2012: Blowing Smoke Up My What???
So- we officially had the first "Death Snow Blizzard" of 2012. Yeah- had, ladies and gentlemen. What I would like to know is exactly where did the 2 feet of snow fall? Cause it wasn't here. Sure we are having the fluctuating "snow bands" on and off but gees- talk about a shit ton of hype and hysteria over frickin' nothing!!!
Add to that the hysteria people were forced into over this crap! Sure we did get the 50 mph winds on Sunday- big deal! It got windy! WHOOPIE!!!! Seriously? I am so far not impressed by the local weather guessers that it borders on sickening! Pathetic! No actually it is P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!!!
In other news- my weekend recap in a few words- MEH, OUCH, & RANGOONS??? Friday was just that, meh. It came, it went, it wasn't honestly spectacular. Saturday morning came early and painful when I woke up around 1am to realize that I could not move and I was in extreme pain. Hubby got out the massage table then around 2am and proceeded to feel my back , neck and shoulders- deducing that my C2,3,&4 had somehow, someway popped out of alignment again- resulting in catastrophic distortion of all my neck and shoulder muscles on the right side. Right down to messing with the circulation in my right arm (it was cool to the touch, kinda purple, and really tingly- oh and I couldn't hold a glass of water with my hand. He beat on me with the energy balancing mallet and sticks, deep tissue massage till I was weeping and we went back to bed.
Upon getting up around 8:30am, I was still in pain, but less than before. So I took a hot shower to limber everything up, loaded up on Tylenol and made another date with the massage table and Hubby. This time he was a tad more aggressive with the mallet and stick, getting in at least two of the out of place cervical vertebrae. I called the doctors and amazingly enough got an appointment with my chiropractor for 11:30 Tuesday morning. Thank god! While I'm fairly certain my neck is almost completely back into place- I still have a tolerable level of pain currently with the occasional wicked bad spasm- I want the good back breaker to slam everything in place and then explain to me why I seem to be having cervical vertebrae popping out when they want to when I have had no trauma to support this issue.
Hubby did a few putter projects around the house, fixing the janky shower door and installing a new light fixture above the kitchen sink- occasionally cursing my grandfather's building skills as he worked- while I brought in a massive amount of firewood to stock up for the impending "Death Snow Blizzard".
Saturday night- Hubby and I made Chinese food to celebrate the New Year. Well- we made an attempt. I put together a 3 delight rangoon mixture of crab meat, lobster meat, and tiny shrimp mixed with cream cheese, then fried them in canola oil. We also attempted to make veggie spring rolls. They went doughy, didn't fry worth a poop, and didn't taste all that wonderful. After filling up on these, we took a hot tub outing at my parents house, came home and since I wasn't hungry yet, Hubby made himself a seriously "Man vs. Food" style dude burger- lots of meat, red pepper spiced blue cheese, savoy cabbage, and tomato slices on whole wheat bread- while I nibbled on a pop tart. We watched Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve and kissed at the stroke of 2012, while cuddling Doggie Pup. It was splendid.
Yesterday- we both slept in a little, me more than Hubby... He woke up before me and went out to the living room to read more of his book. He started the book Friday evening and as of last night around 9pm- he finished it. Lovingly looking at me saying- "Okay. Done. Could you buy me the next one please?" He's now finished "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and "Girl Who Played with Fire" books. I believe the next one is "Girl Who Poked the Hornet's Nest?" I just have to find it for him now- Meijer's was sold out- must be everyone else in the world started that series recently
I told him I was going to give myself a nickname--- "The Girl Who Plays with Markers" since I have recently been on a doodling denim tear as of late. Is it my fault those three new pairs of Goodwill jeans, and three new denim Goodwill skirts are begging to be doodled? I think not! Plus- it's kind of a fun tweaky little high you get from doodling with permanent markers for five hour stints... But it does leave you with a wicked bad head ache- must get better ventilation in the kitchen, me thinks.
But- I should put this first official blog of 2012 to bed. I need to start prepping dinner for this evening- Kim Chi Chiga. For those that don't know what the hell that is... Kim Chi is fermented Korean sauerkraut with lots of hot pepper spice. And the Chiga part is cooked pork steak. We're going to have a big pot of that, since Mouse is staying over again tonight- the weather down south of here isn't conducive to driving in. Kim Chi Chiga over rice with a roaring fire in the fireplace...
Could someone please pass the Tums and fire retardant gloves?? Kthxbai!!!
So- we officially had the first "Death Snow Blizzard" of 2012. Yeah- had, ladies and gentlemen. What I would like to know is exactly where did the 2 feet of snow fall? Cause it wasn't here. Sure we are having the fluctuating "snow bands" on and off but gees- talk about a shit ton of hype and hysteria over frickin' nothing!!!
Add to that the hysteria people were forced into over this crap! Sure we did get the 50 mph winds on Sunday- big deal! It got windy! WHOOPIE!!!! Seriously? I am so far not impressed by the local weather guessers that it borders on sickening! Pathetic! No actually it is P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C!!!
In other news- my weekend recap in a few words- MEH, OUCH, & RANGOONS??? Friday was just that, meh. It came, it went, it wasn't honestly spectacular. Saturday morning came early and painful when I woke up around 1am to realize that I could not move and I was in extreme pain. Hubby got out the massage table then around 2am and proceeded to feel my back , neck and shoulders- deducing that my C2,3,&4 had somehow, someway popped out of alignment again- resulting in catastrophic distortion of all my neck and shoulder muscles on the right side. Right down to messing with the circulation in my right arm (it was cool to the touch, kinda purple, and really tingly- oh and I couldn't hold a glass of water with my hand. He beat on me with the energy balancing mallet and sticks, deep tissue massage till I was weeping and we went back to bed.
Upon getting up around 8:30am, I was still in pain, but less than before. So I took a hot shower to limber everything up, loaded up on Tylenol and made another date with the massage table and Hubby. This time he was a tad more aggressive with the mallet and stick, getting in at least two of the out of place cervical vertebrae. I called the doctors and amazingly enough got an appointment with my chiropractor for 11:30 Tuesday morning. Thank god! While I'm fairly certain my neck is almost completely back into place- I still have a tolerable level of pain currently with the occasional wicked bad spasm- I want the good back breaker to slam everything in place and then explain to me why I seem to be having cervical vertebrae popping out when they want to when I have had no trauma to support this issue.
Hubby did a few putter projects around the house, fixing the janky shower door and installing a new light fixture above the kitchen sink- occasionally cursing my grandfather's building skills as he worked- while I brought in a massive amount of firewood to stock up for the impending "Death Snow Blizzard".
Saturday night- Hubby and I made Chinese food to celebrate the New Year. Well- we made an attempt. I put together a 3 delight rangoon mixture of crab meat, lobster meat, and tiny shrimp mixed with cream cheese, then fried them in canola oil. We also attempted to make veggie spring rolls. They went doughy, didn't fry worth a poop, and didn't taste all that wonderful. After filling up on these, we took a hot tub outing at my parents house, came home and since I wasn't hungry yet, Hubby made himself a seriously "Man vs. Food" style dude burger- lots of meat, red pepper spiced blue cheese, savoy cabbage, and tomato slices on whole wheat bread- while I nibbled on a pop tart. We watched Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve and kissed at the stroke of 2012, while cuddling Doggie Pup. It was splendid.
Yesterday- we both slept in a little, me more than Hubby... He woke up before me and went out to the living room to read more of his book. He started the book Friday evening and as of last night around 9pm- he finished it. Lovingly looking at me saying- "Okay. Done. Could you buy me the next one please?" He's now finished "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and "Girl Who Played with Fire" books. I believe the next one is "Girl Who Poked the Hornet's Nest?" I just have to find it for him now- Meijer's was sold out- must be everyone else in the world started that series recently

I told him I was going to give myself a nickname--- "The Girl Who Plays with Markers" since I have recently been on a doodling denim tear as of late. Is it my fault those three new pairs of Goodwill jeans, and three new denim Goodwill skirts are begging to be doodled? I think not! Plus- it's kind of a fun tweaky little high you get from doodling with permanent markers for five hour stints... But it does leave you with a wicked bad head ache- must get better ventilation in the kitchen, me thinks.
But- I should put this first official blog of 2012 to bed. I need to start prepping dinner for this evening- Kim Chi Chiga. For those that don't know what the hell that is... Kim Chi is fermented Korean sauerkraut with lots of hot pepper spice. And the Chiga part is cooked pork steak. We're going to have a big pot of that, since Mouse is staying over again tonight- the weather down south of here isn't conducive to driving in. Kim Chi Chiga over rice with a roaring fire in the fireplace...
Could someone please pass the Tums and fire retardant gloves?? Kthxbai!!!
I do know T&C has / is making a fn jerk out of himself and sometimes I just want to slap him with a fist