Thursday, July 21, 2011: Dissapointment- What a Bitch.
Lookie Lookie- I guess I do get to write a blog today. I've been up since 4:30am, went to my designated ride-a-long station, only to find out someone over booked the flight with me and another third rider- a new employee. Being graceful, I bowed out- went shopping at Walmart and came home. Funny how I went three for pig tomatoes and toilet paper, and walked out with a handful of school supplies, ravioli in a can, and cleaning products... My head isn't in the game, and shopping while upset- is never a good thing.
I'm disappointed. I'm pissed. I'm upset. I'm seriously bummed out. I am a very schedule oriented kinda gal, and setting aside a whole day to "play paramedic" for the good of the book was something I have been looking forward to. As was the crew I was going to be working with today. So to have to bow out and walk away after getting up blisteringly early, taking my motion sickness pills (that taste like raspberry flavored ass!) chugging caffeine (only got five hours of sleep) sucks so much more then what I am actually going to write on here. Hubby's encouragement- "Well, you got the house cleaned and picked up, so now you can work on the novel today, can't ya?" Bless his heart- he meant well. But I really think working on the novel at this point of anger towards the whole paramedic thing, wouldn't be a great idea. I'm too apt to kill of a character that doesn't exist yet, actually.
In other book related news- Editor Girl came over last night and I handed off a final copy "Medics" to her. Seeing her eyes light up at the concept of reading it again, in it's revised form, made me very happy. Still nervous, but very happy. Yet another step in the direction of getting it published. Now to jut grow big enough balls to write a query/submission letter...
In local area news- in my opinion... There has been a rash of stupid people dying. Cases in point: Number one-kid, that cannot swim, jumps off train bridge into swift moving Muskegon River. Second- teenager (who they call uncle on the news but his "nephews" are older then him), who also cannot swim, tries to "swim" across the Muskegon channel and drowns. Two miles from my house on Monday- teenage girl blows thru an stop sign (while playing with her cell phone- go F*ing figure) when a family of five in a van broadside her, flipping her car upside down in a cornfield- she died. Case four- mans runs over 2 year old child in the street, kills child. Mother's baby daddy runs out and violently stabs the driver of the vehicle. Cases one and two- if you cannot F*ing swim do not go into the F*ing water! Dumbasses!!! Case three- if you need to F around with your phone, pull your car (aka 3000 death missile) onto the side of the road and F with it there!!!
Now- what really chaps my ass cheeks with these three news stories- is the parents and family members and their need to look like F*ing special ed poster children while talking to news media. "It's a tragedy, ya'll. Someone's needs 'ta block it off er- somethin' so's no'body's else gunna die!" HUH??? How about instead of blaming everyone else in the damn world- why don't you just admit you raised an idiot kid(s). You child/"uncle" was a F*ing moron. Admit it! At the shrine for lil miss stupidity near here, there is a sign- it's reads- paraphrasing of course :"How many more people have to die here before the township does anything?" Let's try this again- Huh? You're daughter was a F*ing idiot for diddling with her phone, while driving, and not paying attention to the road she was on. SHE SMOKED A STOP SIGN! AN INNOCENT PERSON, WHO HAD THE RIGHT OF WAY, SLAMMED INTO HER CAR, KILLING HER!!! I feel bad for that person. That person that has to live with themselves for killing another human being without reason. The girl, in spite of her family's tearful media story, is a moron.
Case four- how things should be done! Eye for an eye- people! You killed his son, he tries to kill you. Jackass that went on a shooting rampage in GR a couple weeks ago- blows own head off. This is justice served! Justice served street style, they way most shit should be handled and dealt with!I have no problem agreeing with what this child's "step-daddy" "baby daddy" what ever he was, did. I'm glad he did it! Sure, he has to go to jail for a while, but he;ll get off on the technicality of emotional distress, Case solved, ya'll!!!
The moral of this story- if you are a fucking idiot or your child is a fucking idiot- admit it. DO NOT blame everyone else or the color of the sky or the height of the grass for what you or they did. Does it suck people are stupid? Yes. Do I feel bad for them when they die? Not at all. Two other classic, parents blaming the world for their idiot kids deaths- Daniel Reese and Andrew Fox, both of Grand Haven. Danny boy went for a walk on the pier on a November night with 18 foot waves. He got washed off and killed. They found pieces of his body the following summer. Andy, well, he went for a swim. In eight foot waves with a high risk of rip currents. His body was found a week later. Stupid kids with parents that blame everyone but themselves for their parenting skills in bad judgement. Assholes and idiots- the world is full of them. Go ahead and make more please! I get a kick out of how they die in the long run.
Wow- I am bitter and cranky today. Many apologies....
Lookie Lookie- I guess I do get to write a blog today. I've been up since 4:30am, went to my designated ride-a-long station, only to find out someone over booked the flight with me and another third rider- a new employee. Being graceful, I bowed out- went shopping at Walmart and came home. Funny how I went three for pig tomatoes and toilet paper, and walked out with a handful of school supplies, ravioli in a can, and cleaning products... My head isn't in the game, and shopping while upset- is never a good thing.
I'm disappointed. I'm pissed. I'm upset. I'm seriously bummed out. I am a very schedule oriented kinda gal, and setting aside a whole day to "play paramedic" for the good of the book was something I have been looking forward to. As was the crew I was going to be working with today. So to have to bow out and walk away after getting up blisteringly early, taking my motion sickness pills (that taste like raspberry flavored ass!) chugging caffeine (only got five hours of sleep) sucks so much more then what I am actually going to write on here. Hubby's encouragement- "Well, you got the house cleaned and picked up, so now you can work on the novel today, can't ya?" Bless his heart- he meant well. But I really think working on the novel at this point of anger towards the whole paramedic thing, wouldn't be a great idea. I'm too apt to kill of a character that doesn't exist yet, actually.
In other book related news- Editor Girl came over last night and I handed off a final copy "Medics" to her. Seeing her eyes light up at the concept of reading it again, in it's revised form, made me very happy. Still nervous, but very happy. Yet another step in the direction of getting it published. Now to jut grow big enough balls to write a query/submission letter...
In local area news- in my opinion... There has been a rash of stupid people dying. Cases in point: Number one-kid, that cannot swim, jumps off train bridge into swift moving Muskegon River. Second- teenager (who they call uncle on the news but his "nephews" are older then him), who also cannot swim, tries to "swim" across the Muskegon channel and drowns. Two miles from my house on Monday- teenage girl blows thru an stop sign (while playing with her cell phone- go F*ing figure) when a family of five in a van broadside her, flipping her car upside down in a cornfield- she died. Case four- mans runs over 2 year old child in the street, kills child. Mother's baby daddy runs out and violently stabs the driver of the vehicle. Cases one and two- if you cannot F*ing swim do not go into the F*ing water! Dumbasses!!! Case three- if you need to F around with your phone, pull your car (aka 3000 death missile) onto the side of the road and F with it there!!!
Now- what really chaps my ass cheeks with these three news stories- is the parents and family members and their need to look like F*ing special ed poster children while talking to news media. "It's a tragedy, ya'll. Someone's needs 'ta block it off er- somethin' so's no'body's else gunna die!" HUH??? How about instead of blaming everyone else in the damn world- why don't you just admit you raised an idiot kid(s). You child/"uncle" was a F*ing moron. Admit it! At the shrine for lil miss stupidity near here, there is a sign- it's reads- paraphrasing of course :"How many more people have to die here before the township does anything?" Let's try this again- Huh? You're daughter was a F*ing idiot for diddling with her phone, while driving, and not paying attention to the road she was on. SHE SMOKED A STOP SIGN! AN INNOCENT PERSON, WHO HAD THE RIGHT OF WAY, SLAMMED INTO HER CAR, KILLING HER!!! I feel bad for that person. That person that has to live with themselves for killing another human being without reason. The girl, in spite of her family's tearful media story, is a moron.
Case four- how things should be done! Eye for an eye- people! You killed his son, he tries to kill you. Jackass that went on a shooting rampage in GR a couple weeks ago- blows own head off. This is justice served! Justice served street style, they way most shit should be handled and dealt with!I have no problem agreeing with what this child's "step-daddy" "baby daddy" what ever he was, did. I'm glad he did it! Sure, he has to go to jail for a while, but he;ll get off on the technicality of emotional distress, Case solved, ya'll!!!
The moral of this story- if you are a fucking idiot or your child is a fucking idiot- admit it. DO NOT blame everyone else or the color of the sky or the height of the grass for what you or they did. Does it suck people are stupid? Yes. Do I feel bad for them when they die? Not at all. Two other classic, parents blaming the world for their idiot kids deaths- Daniel Reese and Andrew Fox, both of Grand Haven. Danny boy went for a walk on the pier on a November night with 18 foot waves. He got washed off and killed. They found pieces of his body the following summer. Andy, well, he went for a swim. In eight foot waves with a high risk of rip currents. His body was found a week later. Stupid kids with parents that blame everyone but themselves for their parenting skills in bad judgement. Assholes and idiots- the world is full of them. Go ahead and make more please! I get a kick out of how they die in the long run.
Wow- I am bitter and cranky today. Many apologies....
Hmm since you're so schedule oriented mark October 2nd down to come to the Zoo for my birthday and to shoot TaoAndCoffee and possibly HungOverBear, and Zarphin if we can get him to take his clothes off.