Hey all
Got a little more work done on my sleeve this weekend. Some flowers were added and coloured and some maple leaf outlines added too in some blank areas. Love the flowers as they really brighten up the dark tones of the black and purples. The leaves are gonna be autumny colours like golden rusty brown sorta thing which should also add more contrast. Then after we're happy with the amount of flora and fauna added Angie's gonna get back to filling the gaps with more sea blue and the purple flames and a little tribal to be touched in too. Fuck of a long way to go yet tho its taking forever.
Hope you're all cool and well this holiday.
PS Sorry about the scabby pics, the wounds are still very fresh.

Got a little more work done on my sleeve this weekend. Some flowers were added and coloured and some maple leaf outlines added too in some blank areas. Love the flowers as they really brighten up the dark tones of the black and purples. The leaves are gonna be autumny colours like golden rusty brown sorta thing which should also add more contrast. Then after we're happy with the amount of flora and fauna added Angie's gonna get back to filling the gaps with more sea blue and the purple flames and a little tribal to be touched in too. Fuck of a long way to go yet tho its taking forever.

Hope you're all cool and well this holiday.

PS Sorry about the scabby pics, the wounds are still very fresh.

Thanks for the compliments! I didn't do a thing to that H1 aside from washing it, I bought it as is. The ohlins are definately pricey buggers, that's for sure. It seemed as though my stock rears had lost their dampening altogether. Some owners have found shops that will re-charge the nitrogen for a small fee, it seems to leak out somewhere after 10,000 miles for most folks. You do have a 1200 right? -Because the 1100's actually have schrader(sp?) valves just like tires and can be recharged with air via a regular air compressor. Probably not as good as nitrogen for one reason or another, but folks do report an improvement. I haven't heard anyone say that a shop checked the nitrogen charge and found it intact. How's the riding weather? That arm is going to be awesome! I really should stop buying bike parts and get some ink. It's been 15 years...
Tiny did what to a stump?