I can't get my bike out of the shed. A builder I know is layin slabs in front of it and has dug the ground in front for cementing and hasn't been to finish the job for about 3 weeks.(I shouldn't complain, he's doin it for a few beers) Now there's just a strip of muddy ground. It's been a beautiful day here too and I have the weekend off. Maybe it's just as well cos my tyres are minced and I got no indidcators on the back. Oh and my road tax is out.

Still, woulda been a nice first blast for the year. Legal shmegal. I wanna go and play on the roads dammit!!!!!
Currently gettin hammered on a box of red wine.
More ink on my sleeve comin on Tuesday and and got my tickets for Anthrax next month.
Life is good but my poor bike, stuck in there. I'm sure I heard it cryin last night.
[Edited on Mar 25, 2006 11:28AM]