I need to earn more money. The hobbies I have and way I lead my life are just way too pricey for my liking.
I need a new motorcycle helmet and I've just spotted a new Olympus SLR camera that I've fallen in love with and MUST have, it's pretty cheap (for an SLR) at 499. It's gonna leave me skint tho.
I need a new motorcycle helmet and I've just spotted a new Olympus SLR camera that I've fallen in love with and MUST have, it's pretty cheap (for an SLR) at 499. It's gonna leave me skint tho.

nah nc35, rvf not vfr. upside down forks hee hee.. my lickle bike.. good for a shortarse like me. The crims rock, i'm lucky enough to be guest listed for pretty much any gig I wanna go to. helps when you know the band! I soooo should be working but ive got fridayitis..

Yeah my baby's fun..def a good laugh to ride. I like guest lists, it means I can spend the money I would have burned on a ticket on useful things. Like Stella. Or Tequila. Very useful when you want to get shitfaced..