Anyone else watch My Name Is Earl, on C4 friday nights? Has me in fits every week, I absolutely love it. Gets you kinda thinking....
...What would be on your list of wrongdoings to people over the years that you would like to put right or make up for?
Karma, you gotta love it.
...What would be on your list of wrongdoings to people over the years that you would like to put right or make up for?
Karma, you gotta love it.

However I am now a buhdist (of sorts) and have made;a kind of peace with my former life.I am not the same person I used to be.
Don't get me wrong mate.I'm a complete fucking lunatic when it comes to partying and being a full on biker.I told you-a buhdist,of sorts.However I am a much better buhdist than I ever was a christian
It comes down to,I have reconsiled my animal nature with my spiritual nature.My life has been a million times better since that day.
I wish the same happiness on everyone out there.Life is good if you let it be.
Don't take life to seriously,it's going to kill you anyway