Bah. I fuckin hate nightshifts. 3.25am and I'm eatin Pot Noodles when I should be asleep. No wonder my poor stomach is in turmoil. Thank God (or whoever is responsible) for SG to elbow the boredom in the nuts. smile
Ho hum.
Thank you for the comments you left on my sets. I'm really glad you like my photos smile I have lots of other sets waiting to go up, so I hope you like those too.How is it living in the UK? I have never been there.

Well, fuck me. 34 yesterday. Shit, THIRTY FUCKING FOUR!! Aaaargh. Am I the oldest fucker on here lol?? Pretty uneventful birthday really, I dont like a fuss bein made over birthdays, I prefer em to drift gently past heheh, wonder why. Thank fuck I still feel young, I seem to be gettin madder as I get older. Cheers to those who wished me happy birthday...
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happy birthday! once you find your slippers take a stroll over here.
i have thought about making a video but i want SG staff to shoot it so it might take a while