I would need to check how much they go for, as I have no idea... I paid $75 for mine but that was from a friend, is that a normal price?
...can't stand the sight of my girl... kissing another girl... it drives me crazy...sooo nice. so want it to happen with a girl we both think is cute or hot. i'm so glad my girl isn't the one passed out on the kitchen floor or any other inappropriate place at the end of the night. just the sight of my girl kissing another girl gets...
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just noticed ur bday...nice its mine too...good luck with ur deal
Thank you for the positive comment on my set "SPF 5000" in member review, it was sweet of you, I appreciate it! <333
i woke up drunk.....3 times....today.

Like started drinking and went back to bed?
drank til after 3am, woke up at 7, drunk, slept in car back to Jersey, woke up at 9:30 drunk, i think i slept again on ride to moms, then slept from 10:30 til 2 and woke up drunk then.
i finally got prescribed Adderall today....weeeeeeeeee.
so Karma did me a favor this morning... This past summer my girl and I were coming off the beach near our house. As we were walking we saw this white Mercedes looking for a parking spot. Well...the Mercedes totally side swiped parked SUV and it was obvious they knew. They left and I got the plates and called the cops. They came and caught...
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