Fan art of Tarion who was shot by the wonderful talamia.
Over the past few months most of the tech in my life died or was very on happy. I knew that some of my friends had sets coming in Jan so I made sure to pop on & comment on the them.
Posted my first fan art since Nov, sadly a craptastic scan. My scanner is dead, hope to change that in a couple weeks. Neyrissa & AnnaLee are past do for fan art. I have a Neyrissa & she has a set in MR so expect to see another piece in a week or two. I'm not sure if AnnaLee has any sets coming, but can always hope.
I haven't had the time to ketch up on blogs, but it doesn't look like any one has done anything horrible stupid from the pics they've posted, that is always a good sign.
Thanks for the comment honey!