Yesterday, my car broke down. As a result, I didn't go to work, which meant that I spent the day laughing my ass off at the city of Boston. I mean, come on. Wires and batteries are sinister? Shit, I guess my fucking alarm clock is pretty sinister then. I'd better call the bomb squad...there are a lot of things in my apartment that have wires and batteries on the back of them!
I mean, even if you've never seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force before, I think it's pretty obvious that the guy on the lightboard is some kind of cartoon or video game character, and not a terrorist logo or something.
Post 9/11 world, yo!
I mean, even if you've never seen Aqua Teen Hunger Force before, I think it's pretty obvious that the guy on the lightboard is some kind of cartoon or video game character, and not a terrorist logo or something.
Post 9/11 world, yo!