Well, tomorrow, we leave for Alberta Beach, that cheesy lake for camping just outside of the city. It will be fun. Trees and water and walking and talking and sexing and frisbeeing and eating and tenting and...yeah, you get the point, so I'll just shut the fuck up.
More Blogs
Saturday May 19, 2007
I went on a date tonight. It went well. That is all. -
Sunday May 13, 2007
The party last night was pretty fun, though I got stupid drunk and ac… -
Saturday May 12, 2007
Tomorrow night (or, technically, tonight, since I suppose it is now S… -
Thursday May 03, 2007
I recently "reconnected' with an old friend from high school. She's b… -
Tuesday May 01, 2007
I went on the first first-date I've been on in a long time. It was...… -
Wednesday Apr 18, 2007
I bought a new TV yesterday. As I cannot afford a flat panel TV, I bo… -
Friday Mar 30, 2007
Things are looking up again. Getting through the tough times are what… -
Tuesday Mar 13, 2007
Sage Francis' new album Human the Death Dance is fucking incredible. … -
Saturday Mar 10, 2007
Magazines: DWELL and GOOD. I will do some kind of review on them late… -
Sunday Feb 11, 2007
I'm applying for jobs today. After spending some time revamping my re…