I was going to do the unthinkable yesterday. I was planning on entrapping myself in matrimony. Yes, I was going to ask Le Girl to marry me. But then...I didn't. "THE MOMENT" never happened. See, I was waiting for some kind of magical, "perfect," moment, and there wasn't one. I proceeded to act like a jackass for the rest of the night because I was...
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Ashley is now officially moved in. She has really been living here since Thursday night (like usual, she came over after her class and spent the weekend), but we didn't finish moving her stuff in until this afternoon. Now, the spare bedroom/computer room is full of clutter. Boxes and stuff.

The bedroom is a bit cluttered, as well, but not too badly. Though, some of...
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I am, in fact, still alive and active, despite having not posted a blog entry in weeks.

Poetry festival, work, and the still relatively new relationship have been kicking my ass (in a good way, mostly). I applied for a new job--it's a copy editting thing at a local publishing company. I felt confident last week. Less confident this week, but I should know...
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I am alive. I am in the new place. It is big and awesome and I love it.

Also, Sash's new set is fucking fantastic.
I got approved for the new place the other day. I dropped off my damage deposit, and the landlady is letting me move in early. I can move in on the 22nd of this month. Awesome!
Finally, today, I went to look at the apartment on the third floor in that building I looked at earlier this month. Except, there isn't one available on the third floor anymore, for some reason. Maybe someone else rented it, maybe the current tenant(s) decided to renew the lease, or maybe the landlord is just an idiot and doesn't know what he's talking about. Either...
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Well, the camping trip was okay. I mean, it was fun, but we forgot to bring certain things, and certain things could have been done better, but now we know for next time. And, next time, I think we'll go to the mountains (Jasper, probably). Depending on whether or not Ashley gets her surgery in the next couple of weeks, we might have to stay...
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Well, tomorrow, we leave for Alberta Beach, that cheesy lake for camping just outside of the city. It will be fun. Trees and water and walking and talking and sexing and frisbeeing and eating and tenting and...yeah, you get the point, so I'll just shut the fuck up.
I want a longboard. I've long thought that longboards were pretty damn cool, and I'm now thinking that having one of my own would be pretty rad. Why? Well, a couple of reasons. The first is for fun. I used to street skate, and though I think I'm too out of practice for trick skating (and too old to get back into it), I think...
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I'm really liking the "new" SG site. Everything loads up so much faster, and it looks a lot sleeker. Kudos on a job well done, SG tech team!
I am now a freelance writer. I am working as a writer, and it's damn exciting. I'm sure the allure will wear off eventually, but this is what I love, so I don't think I'll be tired of it any time soon.

It's not enough work for me to quit my day job just yet, but it's a start.