The foot doctor was impressed with my healing powers today. He was all prepared to wash and bandage that second toe, but, except for a little swelling, it looked normal. Sorry doc.
I have named that toe "snake toe", because about a week ago it shed its skin. It was gross and cool all at the same time.
When the dead skin peeled off, it took all the ugliness of the blood blister with it. Took another x-ray, and I'm good to go.
First order of business, dig out the hot tub from under a foot of snow. I need a good soak. It has been almost 7 weeks since I've been able to get in, because of this foot.

I have named that toe "snake toe", because about a week ago it shed its skin. It was gross and cool all at the same time.

First order of business, dig out the hot tub from under a foot of snow. I need a good soak. It has been almost 7 weeks since I've been able to get in, because of this foot.
Still remember an outdoor pool in Toronto at a hotel I was at when I was a kid.
It was half indoor and half outdoor. You would go though see plastic sheets ad get to the outdoor part (or swim under them) and you'd be in an outdoor pool that was warm when it was up to 10 below outside. Love it.