Al Capone's vault redux...
With the death of my sister-in-law comes the need to settle her estate (what little there is). She told my wife she had a will. We spent Saturday afternoon at her house cleaning and searching. There was a safe in the closet, but we couldn't find the combination. Assuming we would find the will inside, we brought it home.
All day Sunday we tried every possible combination she could think of. Dog's birthdays, date of her divorce etc. We tried turning to the left, turning to the right. NOTHING! We even watched YouTube videos to see if we could crack it.
We went back to the house today. On Saturday, my wife had handed me a couple of bulging file folders to go through in search of the papers for the safe. I guess I missed it, kind of like "The Andromeda Strain".
Today I found it. It was very different from anything we had tried. The anticipation was building as we neared home. I grabbed a box from the back of the van, and by the time I got inside she had it open.
She found what Geraldo Rivera found. At least she didn't embarrass herself on national TV.
With the death of my sister-in-law comes the need to settle her estate (what little there is). She told my wife she had a will. We spent Saturday afternoon at her house cleaning and searching. There was a safe in the closet, but we couldn't find the combination. Assuming we would find the will inside, we brought it home.
All day Sunday we tried every possible combination she could think of. Dog's birthdays, date of her divorce etc. We tried turning to the left, turning to the right. NOTHING! We even watched YouTube videos to see if we could crack it.
We went back to the house today. On Saturday, my wife had handed me a couple of bulging file folders to go through in search of the papers for the safe. I guess I missed it, kind of like "The Andromeda Strain".
Today I found it. It was very different from anything we had tried. The anticipation was building as we neared home. I grabbed a box from the back of the van, and by the time I got inside she had it open.
She found what Geraldo Rivera found. At least she didn't embarrass herself on national TV.
No more dealing with this power vent nonsense. My plumber friend's cost on the heater was $800. We're getting a good name brand electric heater for less than half the price and being done with it. I'll update my blog with the gory details.