Greetings from Minne"snow"ta where the temperature outside is a balmy -18 degrees Fahrenheit and dropping. I know it's cold outside when the roof trusses start banging. I still haven't figured out what is causing it, but sometimes it sounds like an explosion in the attic and the house shakes. Quite unnerving really. It's been doing this for years, and there is no evidence of structural damage. If something was really wrong, the sheetrock should have cracked by now.
Just got back from the Wild game. They played pretty well, but lost to the New Jersey Devils (there's a shocker). Jamie Langenbrunner got his hat trick with 15 seconds left on a cheap empty netter. On the bright side he'll be playing for team USA in the olympics next month.
FUCKING HELL!!!! It's now 4 AM here. As I was going to bed at 3, I thought it was a little chilly in the house, so I checked the thermostat. It was set at 71, but read only 66. The outside temp is now -21. This is another problem in cold weather. The air intake to the furnace is blocked with frost. Had to get all my shit on, trudge through the snow, crawl under the deck, and use a screwdriver to dig the frost out. What a pain in the ass. If it doesn't get above zero soon, I'll have to go out there again. It beats paying for a service call though. I'm getting too old for this shit.
Just got back from the Wild game. They played pretty well, but lost to the New Jersey Devils (there's a shocker). Jamie Langenbrunner got his hat trick with 15 seconds left on a cheap empty netter. On the bright side he'll be playing for team USA in the olympics next month.
FUCKING HELL!!!! It's now 4 AM here. As I was going to bed at 3, I thought it was a little chilly in the house, so I checked the thermostat. It was set at 71, but read only 66. The outside temp is now -21. This is another problem in cold weather. The air intake to the furnace is blocked with frost. Had to get all my shit on, trudge through the snow, crawl under the deck, and use a screwdriver to dig the frost out. What a pain in the ass. If it doesn't get above zero soon, I'll have to go out there again. It beats paying for a service call though. I'm getting too old for this shit.