screaming at my tv (currently tuned to cnn).

ready to leave san francisco. im broke and i cant ride. as much as i dont really enjoy new york, as much as san francisco itself feels like home, im ready to new york and my apartment.
am i the only one that doesnt care about halloween? i dont have any plans, none of my 'friends' in san francisco have gotten back to me, i dont particularly enjoy being scared or watching horror movies. yeah, ill be happier when its over.

a shower and off to the bar by my hotel to watch michigan state/iowa.
turns out my lip ring gets to stay. smile

i havent had much to do just yet. early days out.

its hard to describe how much i missed this city, the hills, the bay, and the ocean. can i stay? i dont want to go back to new york.

i reserved a bike for this weekend. ill ride rain or shine.
just a quick hit to wish both happy anniversary and goodbye to my favorite piercing. ive had a ring on the left side of my mouth for six years. sadly, the new job i start on wednesday wont allow me to keep it in any longer. i got it done in october of my junior year in college, but i had wanted it since middle...
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random notes:

-i let myself get sucked back into playing wow. im currently waiting for 4.0.? to finish downloading. think ill see about getting my hunter up before cata comes out.

-i found out that my 19 year old sister in law is pregnant.

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it doesnt sound like my little brother wanted to be a father just yet, but apparently shes...
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Sorry to hear about your brother's plight. 19 seems way too young.
my parents are currently in the middle of writing up their will. my dad just turned 54, so they should be around for at least another 20 years, but they dont want to leave anything to chance. i just had to reply to an email from my mom asking what i wanted, if anything, out of the house. its really a strange thing to have...
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i got the job! hell yeah!

ive been unemployed for five months. 50k a year with vacation and insurance. icing on the cake is that they want me to train in san francisco for three weeks starting off. need to figure out how to get my bike out there with me, but it should be great. details to be worked out next week, but it...
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i dreamed about being able to turn into an eagle last night. i believe it had harry potter influences because i seem to remember severus snape flying around with me telling me how badly i was doing. i landed on top of the empire state building, but was somehow joined by a lot of other people (i want to call them classmates). when i wanted...
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i found out earlier tonight that the guy that got me fired for trying to get his attention by lightly kicking his chair has been shitcanned.

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bwhahahahahahahahaha! he didnt last 9 months.

*cough* in other news, i have an interview tomorrow at 11 with the ceo of a printing services firm. sounds like id be answering service calls, and managing a...
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