I bought a motorcycle! squee! 1983 Honda Nighthawk 550cc. Needs tail lights and a new seat cover, but the engine runs well (especially given its 31k miles), the tires are good, and the carbs have been rebuilt and adjusted. brand new MSU-green paint job. small issues getting going initially (i popped the front tire off the ground, which scared the hell out of me) but...
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I move to portland just fine (even saw my parents) and whats the first thing i do? thats right, get sick. feeling a little better today, but nowhere close to normal. blah. nothing like getting to a new place and laying in bed for four days. oh, and its rained every damn day ive been here so far. think its been 70 in new york....
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hope you cheer up soon! being down sucks. but try and bounce back!!
thank you for you sweetness smile
So. I've got a place to go, I've gotten rid of a lot of my stuff (even my gecko found a new home with one of my friends; bye Atticus!), and I've pretty much packed the rest. I just picked up the van I'll be driving out there. Didnt need the reminder of how bad my parallel parking skills are. nothing like jamming the wheels...
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I'm moving to Portland, just as soon as I can confirm housing. waiting to hear back from a place i skype'd with last night.

i received response to a housing wanted ad i posted a couple days ago. at the bottom of her message the girl said this:

"PS- I'm from Long Island. Moved here on a whim about 2 years ago after finishing school...
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it appears increasingly likely that Portland is my next destination. about half the jobs ive applied to over the last two weeks are out there, its cheap (or at least cheap compared to nyc and sf), and its one of the most environmentally conscious and bike-friendly cities anywhere. and for what its worth, its where my mom thinks i should be.

i got prodded into...
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i went for a ride yesterday for the first time in four months. just 20 miles down to battery park and back (theyve made a lot of progress on the wtc towers since i last saw them). never in my life have my legs been that weak. there are two really small hills on the way back. i had to walk up the second one....
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New post, because the last couple have been insanely whiny. just a couple of things though.

first, started following a couple of environmental websites and blogs that i used to frequent. saw the term
steady state economy, which i had never run across. lead me to another term i hadnt seen before,
jevons paradox. now im trying to find a book i was...
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If i dont hear back from anyone by closing time tomorrow, im giving up and moving home.

ive thought about staying in new york through the end of march. it makes a little sense. my lease would end, it would give the job search more time to germinate, and i think i have the money. but im not sure that i want to crawl home...
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i lost my job.

everyone that i worked directly with, including the founder and president, had good things to say about me. i fully expected to be retained. i fumbled a bit out of nerves during a meeting yesterday that included the president, executive vp, and the west coast account manager. i was told today that i 'wasnt engaged at meetings and was not a...
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im gonna put it on zivity, so it wont be lost. new set from me soon, no worries! sorry you lost your job. frown hopefully it will become a situation that helps you find something better.
On this new years eve, when im sitting in my room playing wow blowing my nose every five minutes with no plans to do anything else, id like to take a minute to reflect on 2010.

hm, lets see. the year started by getting a client at my old job that kicked my ass. that client was taken away and given to another account manager,...
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