every time there are kids at recess at the school behind my apartment, the three dogs next door insist on barking incessantly. im going out of my fucking mind.
figured id flesh this out a bit. the dogs finally stopped, after almost three hours of continuous barking. i dont remember them making this much noise in the spring.
know what else is making me crazy? waiting by my damn phone for this company to call. i really need this job. prospects at other places arent looking that great at the moment.
on a positive note, i just ordered:

also, the weather is lovely. my ride in a hour should be pretty nice. fingers crossed my front wheel (currently just slightly bent) doesnt get any worse. not sure how many more times it can be trued before the aluminum stays out of shape.
figured id flesh this out a bit. the dogs finally stopped, after almost three hours of continuous barking. i dont remember them making this much noise in the spring.
know what else is making me crazy? waiting by my damn phone for this company to call. i really need this job. prospects at other places arent looking that great at the moment.
on a positive note, i just ordered:

also, the weather is lovely. my ride in a hour should be pretty nice. fingers crossed my front wheel (currently just slightly bent) doesnt get any worse. not sure how many more times it can be trued before the aluminum stays out of shape.