"Im afraid the wine has stolen for itself the latter details of the evening. But flashes remain. Were embraced, feverish and damp in the familiar insecurity of our naked skin. Dominant and submissive, we exchanged our worldly respect for the degradation to which we are so careful to hide our addiction. Each of us becomes in turn a willing slave to satiate the others otherwise confident self. Last night was mine.
Elsewhere in life, I am respectful. Chivalrous, in a less sexist way. But people change in the private dark. I do not coerce the unwilling, but the willing Ill happily coerce. I am larger and stronger by far, and I trust you enough now to make you aware of it. Gentle fondling and loving caresses can become grips, vice like in their desperation. I shoved you and lifted you; throwing you dangerously towards the safety of our rented mattress. I know you fought back. My body this morning has the marks to prove it. We always save our most beautiful violence for our most adored victims.
We came together, I think. Close anyway. It always seems silly to ask, and by that late hour there were too many convulsions to decipher in wines haze. At some point, sleep took us, and in the morning our sweeter selves returned. We languished in the bath before returning to the standards of the world.
We made no plans, but I think you know that Ill call, unless you call first. For now, its enough to know that youre there, on the other side of the valley across the river. Perhaps youre staring back at me from your apartment window, your image wasted by the distance. Perhaps not. But I wonder, does your mind dwell today on the same memories as mine? "
- Errant Gosling, I want to marry you.
Elsewhere in life, I am respectful. Chivalrous, in a less sexist way. But people change in the private dark. I do not coerce the unwilling, but the willing Ill happily coerce. I am larger and stronger by far, and I trust you enough now to make you aware of it. Gentle fondling and loving caresses can become grips, vice like in their desperation. I shoved you and lifted you; throwing you dangerously towards the safety of our rented mattress. I know you fought back. My body this morning has the marks to prove it. We always save our most beautiful violence for our most adored victims.
We came together, I think. Close anyway. It always seems silly to ask, and by that late hour there were too many convulsions to decipher in wines haze. At some point, sleep took us, and in the morning our sweeter selves returned. We languished in the bath before returning to the standards of the world.
We made no plans, but I think you know that Ill call, unless you call first. For now, its enough to know that youre there, on the other side of the valley across the river. Perhaps youre staring back at me from your apartment window, your image wasted by the distance. Perhaps not. But I wonder, does your mind dwell today on the same memories as mine? "
- Errant Gosling, I want to marry you.
We always save our most beautiful violence for our most adored victims.
Wow, what a line. I think it just made my entire weekend; these words can not be real.