Friggin sickness... we're on day 10 of tissues and no sleep. Went to the quack today to get some meds and, as fate would have it (so dramatic that fate), I've got a sinus infection... BUT ANTIBIOTICS are ready to THROW down.
T-minus seven days till I get my city lovin ass to a surfing paradise in Puerto Rico... hopin' the locals will show some love in the water but prepared for the worst.
Song of the day:
"We Might As Well Be Strangers" by Keane vs. DJ Shadow... on I-tunes... Shadow drops it like its hot.
T-minus seven days till I get my city lovin ass to a surfing paradise in Puerto Rico... hopin' the locals will show some love in the water but prepared for the worst.
Song of the day:
"We Might As Well Be Strangers" by Keane vs. DJ Shadow... on I-tunes... Shadow drops it like its hot.
Woohoo for being sick. My tummy hurts from so much snot resting down there... kinda gross. But get better!

awwwh, hopefully that sinus infection will clear up soon. enjoy puerto rico!