Seriously, I am so ashamed of our country... ashamed to be an American.
When did things get so bad? How could the majority of our country elect a guy/administration that is so clearly horrible?
As a New Yorker who survived 9/11 (but lost many friends/loved ones), I want to vomit in my mouth when I hear someone justify their Bush vote by saying shite like, "He'll keep us safer, fight terrorism etc..." That mother fucker is BREEDING terrorism... he's the best recruiter possible.
I mean, IRAQ! That's the frontline battle in the terror war?! Not one of the hijackers was from Iraq... and I'd bet that any family members of the 15,000 civilians we butchered would be glad to volunteer for the next round of terror attacks. Not to mention WE WERE LIED TO about the reasons for war... NOT TO MENTION THERE WAS NO EXIT STRATEGY?! Bill Clinton lies about a hummer and gets impeached, but this guy lies about a friggin war and gets re-elected?!@#$@
I could go on forever about how wrong this guy is... how he legislates BIGOTRY, how he has the worst environmental record in presidential history, how he robs seniors of affordable prescription drugs, underfunds all the children he's leaving behind, not penalizing companies that outsource jobs and REWARDING the very people who don't NEED the money while BANKRUPTING our nation! C'mon middle America, it's CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY.
I'm embarrassed for our country... and I fear for the future.
SO Canada, hook me up... let me come over... you know how bad this mother fucker is... can't you throw me some political asylum?
A proud member of a blue state who gives the fucking finger to middle America... Put down the friggin FIELD AND STREAM mag and try the NY Times!
Seriously, I am so ashamed of our country... ashamed to be an American.
When did things get so bad? How could the majority of our country elect a guy/administration that is so clearly horrible?
As a New Yorker who survived 9/11 (but lost many friends/loved ones), I want to vomit in my mouth when I hear someone justify their Bush vote by saying shite like, "He'll keep us safer, fight terrorism etc..." That mother fucker is BREEDING terrorism... he's the best recruiter possible.
I mean, IRAQ! That's the frontline battle in the terror war?! Not one of the hijackers was from Iraq... and I'd bet that any family members of the 15,000 civilians we butchered would be glad to volunteer for the next round of terror attacks. Not to mention WE WERE LIED TO about the reasons for war... NOT TO MENTION THERE WAS NO EXIT STRATEGY?! Bill Clinton lies about a hummer and gets impeached, but this guy lies about a friggin war and gets re-elected?!@#$@
I could go on forever about how wrong this guy is... how he legislates BIGOTRY, how he has the worst environmental record in presidential history, how he robs seniors of affordable prescription drugs, underfunds all the children he's leaving behind, not penalizing companies that outsource jobs and REWARDING the very people who don't NEED the money while BANKRUPTING our nation! C'mon middle America, it's CLEAR AS FUCKING DAY.
I'm embarrassed for our country... and I fear for the future.
SO Canada, hook me up... let me come over... you know how bad this mother fucker is... can't you throw me some political asylum?
A proud member of a blue state who gives the fucking finger to middle America... Put down the friggin FIELD AND STREAM mag and try the NY Times!
edited cuz i can't spell
[Edited on Nov 03, 2004 10:16PM]