Fun! Pictures by Napalm She is RockStar."Tattoo" Issue #274

Life is great. Work is good. School is great. We're down to that crazy time of the semester when the work is piling high and it's time to start studying for finals! Eeeeeeee! I read an amazing book, Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. I highly recommend it! I miss LA =( But, I love my college here. I spend all of my time at school, the gym and work, in that order. I may be drinking a little too much caffeine lately.
It's cold here. I can't wait for summer. I'm bummed I'm missing Cochella this year! I hope everyone is well. Be grateful, Be great. <3

Life is great. Work is good. School is great. We're down to that crazy time of the semester when the work is piling high and it's time to start studying for finals! Eeeeeeee! I read an amazing book, Outliers by Malcom Gladwell. I highly recommend it! I miss LA =( But, I love my college here. I spend all of my time at school, the gym and work, in that order. I may be drinking a little too much caffeine lately.

Awesome photos Inga!