Hey SG! Thanks for all your wonderful comments and messages! You make my day! Working with Sawa was awesome! And the location was pretty fun too 
Can you guys help me out???
What documentary am I thinking of? The title is one word. It films these amazing people, like the jumping tribe, the tribe that sits in rows on the earth covered in mud and makes these crazy "ducka duck ducka" sounds while moving in unison making strange hand gestures back and forth and theres the guys that look like the Pope all spinning in circles together??
It's KILLING me! Help!
This happened tonight....
After constantly ragging on my friend Del for drinking tap water while I drink my alkaline, reverse osmosis water and tell him how good it is, he tells me there is no difference. So he invited me over tonight for a blind folded taste test of five different water brands. I correctly identified what was tap, store crap, icky britta and my fav alkaline r.o., with the half exception of not being sure about the Smart Water, I said "I dunno it might be tap" Anyway I think it's probably close to tap but maybe one step carbon filtered plus electrolytes.. Go me! Is he a now a believer?

Taye and I shot some pics for fun in her studio....

I saw a WONDERFUL movie last night, Winters Bone. Just when I was losing faith in movies all together...
That's about it. About to watch The Fall on a recommendation.
Night yall!

Can you guys help me out???
What documentary am I thinking of? The title is one word. It films these amazing people, like the jumping tribe, the tribe that sits in rows on the earth covered in mud and makes these crazy "ducka duck ducka" sounds while moving in unison making strange hand gestures back and forth and theres the guys that look like the Pope all spinning in circles together??
It's KILLING me! Help!
This happened tonight....
After constantly ragging on my friend Del for drinking tap water while I drink my alkaline, reverse osmosis water and tell him how good it is, he tells me there is no difference. So he invited me over tonight for a blind folded taste test of five different water brands. I correctly identified what was tap, store crap, icky britta and my fav alkaline r.o., with the half exception of not being sure about the Smart Water, I said "I dunno it might be tap" Anyway I think it's probably close to tap but maybe one step carbon filtered plus electrolytes.. Go me! Is he a now a believer?

Taye and I shot some pics for fun in her studio....

I saw a WONDERFUL movie last night, Winters Bone. Just when I was losing faith in movies all together...
That's about it. About to watch The Fall on a recommendation.
Night yall!
Richard Wilk
Bottled Water: The Pure Comodity in the Age of Branding
He's no Thom Hartmann, but...