[Insert scream of unimaginable horror and desperation here.]

More proof that the universe has a dark and twisted sense of humor:

I've had a song going through my head ever since I got up this morning. On a loop. Continual. Persistent. Eternal.

John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt,
His name is my name too.

Whenever we go out,
The people always shout,
There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer...
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More LiteStep coding. Ah, at least I seem to have gotten my head around the nuances of mzscript 1.0-pre. smile

Phil and I are having differences over the profile service, tho. I'd like to add !bang support (it's already in svn), but for some reason he's against it. I think that this is because it's not really clear whether the plugins are local or global. They're...
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It would be a bit presumptious to say that this depresses me, seeing as I haven't been in the group very long and don't know him except through a couple of comments, but it does sadden me a bit to see that abel's leaving the group. I can understand why, tho. Al's the group owner and has the right to lock posts. I...
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Time to relax.

These have been difficult months... tho I don't think that they've been depressive so much as establishing.

Dealing with DID (I think that we've solidly proven that that's one of the things that's going on) is both more difficult and more subtle than I thought that it would be. One of the twisted things about it is that there seem to...
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Thankfully, my cats are asleep. Nasha is, at least. The others are in the bedroom, either sleeping or pretending to ignore the sound.

It's tonight's dirty pleasure. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog on CD.

I just hope that they didn't get too pissed when "Cats are Cunts" came on.



I miss TV Funhouse.

On a completely different note, reprobate's comment about...
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I'm in the strange position of knowing that there's something on my mind, but being out of my mind just enough to hide that thing from view. Perhaps it's an effect of watching the RNC. I find myself wondering about the financial and political feasibility of implementing a surveillance network in my head.

The archaic discusion on chaos magic has stirred up old concerns, long...
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R.I.P., EEn.

You will be missed.

Lux et Voluptas.
First, a big thanks to Kamille for showing up as a friend, and for letting me show up as hers. A warm fuzzy among the thorns, as the saying will go, or something more poetic.

[Appropriate affectionate gesture here.]

LDE(X) is finally picking up some steam. We got a decent response from Phil's article at Shell-Shocked, and the user community seems to be growing. Good...
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I see that the double standards are still alive and kicking.

Fucking nausea.

This is exactly why I didn't pursue charges when I was date raped. Thank you, various thread contributors, for confirming my doubts.

(And thank you, various other contributors, for confirming that other people have those doubts, and that empathy, as well.)

On a completely different note, I recently picked up a...
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Lessons learned and suspicions confirmed from a day in the CE boards:

. Just because someone uses your name doesn't mean they're quoting you.
. One of many inefficient ways to get people to see your point of view is to piss in their faces.
. Quoting a dictionary rarely wins an argument.

Ah, well. Things are as they are.


Hunh. I think I...
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i am adding you because you are one of the few the people on the CE boards that consistently enriches the discussion with an informed view.

thanks for the suggestion. i'll definitely rent that sometime... i'll just have to watch it without my b/f, because it doesn't sound like something he wouldget into (what with the nudity and that, he's pretty delicate about that kind of thing) wink