Some people have no fucking sense.

B., a woman that I've known for four years, was dating Mt., but had had an attraction to his best friend, Mk. Mt. & Mk. had been friends for something along the lines of fourteen years.

At first B. and Mk. decided that it was a bad idea to let their attraction get the better of them (a blatantly...
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I hate the Sci-Fi channel. But I like the Sci-Fi channel. I just kind of hate it for, well, leaving us so fucking shocked and hanging after the last episode of Battlestar Galactica.

It's the first time that I've actually shouted at the television at the end of a season finale... even the last several episodes of Six Feet Under just got me a bit...
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That sums up my feelings about AG Gonzales as well.

I'm a BSG fan as well, and I really enjoyed the season finale. Cliff-hangers are annoying, but they keep us coming back. It's definitely one of the best shows on TV right now though, so I'm grateful that there's another season coming at all.
happy birthday ... and censorship bites
Haven't had much to say in a while and still not much now. So I'll restrain myself to writing that the following albums are kinda cool.

Nanowar - Other bands play, Nanowar gay
The Project Hate MCMXCIX - Armageddon March Eternal/Symphonies of Slit Wrists

This one, on the other hand, is just really fucking strange.


But I get into that,...
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Wow, I've never heard of any of these bands. What sort of music are they?
Looks like IgNobe got zotted. Not that that's a bad thing; the comments that he made in the VAWA thread certainly didn't help matters. It's my personal bitch with the masculist groups. They do far more harm than good.

That said, that thread will be the last one that I will participate in regarding men's issues in any way, shape or form. It's good that...
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When crime meets cultural biases, dangerous things happen. I agree with you completely - but the problem is that idiotic "men's movement" groups that are just reactionaries masquerading as activists have hijacked the entire discussion. With them in play you're either a misogynist or you're "feminized" - with everyone missing the obvious point that these should be human rights issues, rather than gender specific ones. It's a charged topic.
Day of the Quotes: Season 1, Episode 1.

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have... The course of history show that as a government grows, liberty decreases."

-- Thomas Jefferson

I think that this is a good quote to pose to those who, these days, consider themselves to fall under the conservative banner. This is the...
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The Washington Post article was about a report issued in January. You were talking about them like they were the same report, so I stuck with the recent NYTimes report.
That's why they let me edit. smile
Here's a gem from the latest episode of Real Time:

And finally, if you think that America isn't going to hell in a handcart, Starbucks is refusing to sell Bruce Springsteen's new album... they're not going to sell the Bruce Springsteen album because there's a song on it called Reno which narrates a visit with a Guatemalan prostitute and apparently glorifies anal sex.

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Given the furor that seems to be brewing over Justice Kennedy's alleged reliance on foreign law (a criticism being made by DeLay, along with the the condemnation of his having made use of the Internet for research -- in this case, referencing where a PDF copy of a document could be found), I thought I'd go ahead and quote the relevant part of the SCOTUS...
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Crap, this is great stuff, I'm just sorry it took my so long to see it. I've had spotty internet access at home and have usually been too busy in the lab to do much on SG. But I see what you're saying (and the post is saying.)

Here's the problem - when dealing with open, brazen hypocrites, what good does it do to expose more hypocrisy? DeLay and his ilk openly admit to lying and going back on what they've said in the past. If they aren't suffering any political consequences as a result, then they probably believe that they're justified to continue doing it.
Ah. Finally. An end to the bad luck streak, or at least a break in it.

I just finished a game of Mutant Storm. 158 levels completed, 13.6 million points, no cheats.

I would like to thank whatever agency of fate, destiny, chance or randomness has been active in my life over the last several weeks, most especially in the last 24 hours, in that it has reinforced my faith in the inevitability of decline. I would like to thank it for reaffirming that no matter how bad things may get, they can always get worse, and...
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I really do not understand how stock gets away with the stuff he posts and manages to avoid the zot. Must have friends in the right places, I guess. Either that or he's kept around for entertainment value.


On a much brighter note, Darwinia rocks. I highly recommend it.
I think your latter observation is the salient one. That and simply by virtue of the fact that he's been around for a while, and so we've just all gotten used to his assholery.