Two things.

First: this has been making the rounds, but if you haven't seen it, you should.

Second: I'm giving serious thought to leaving.

Here's why.
Yesterday I posted a thread to the CE boards about a rather horrendous piece of satire published by an editor for CCSU's student newspaper, written by one of its editors, gorifying the effects of rape. Toy Soldier made a post about this on his blog taking pretty much the same view about it as I did -- but noting some things that I didn't,...
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My brother and I both are fans of Le Parkour and David Belle, good stuff.
Bullshit like that is the reason I can't take seriously most of what Twisty, or her commenters, say. I think she's a mentally ill misfit who just says shocking things to... well... shock.

But I do read Feministe almost daily. It's nice to see they took the high road. And thanks for posting the story about the CCSU guy. That's another mentally ill misfit that needs a good editor.
Well, I have to say that the way that the Nowak case is being reported turns my stomach. I think it's safe to say that if a guy stalked a woman for two months, drove from Texas to Florida, following her flight plan, while wearing diapers so that he wouldn't be overly delayed, tracked her down in the parking lot, slammed on her window, pretended...
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Anything interesting in La Crosse? My brother and I should be near there in... oooh June or so, sometime this summer at least.
I've only visited the hookup board a couple of times in the three or so years I've been a member here. This last visit was by accident, mostly, just following a link from one of the posts on the CE boards. There, I noticed the singles thread. I have no intention of posting in it, but it got me thinking about why I'm still single....
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I must say that Alien Abduction is a kick-ass game. Unfortunately, the ass is mine. I don't know if it's a testament to the game designers, or to my masochism, that I've continued to play it.

At least I've gotten past the point where it would pull my brain out through my eye sockets, hand me my ass through my ass and spit on my...
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I'd like to thank Nick for voicing, in a recent CE thread, opinions and positions that have me thinking, once again, about one of many questions.

Why is it that the most derogatory, insulting, ad-hominem replies in threads regarding gender issues -- when an opinion or position is raised that is not in line with dominant theory -- are often from men? (Usually, male second-wave...
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A great quote regarding Yiquan, with relations to things that have been on my mind lately:

We also know that reasoning must start with correct premise, this premise is called universally accepted truth and the theorem is deduced from it. But where does the universally accepted truth come from? Universally accepted truth cannot be gained by the means of reasoning, it has emerged in the...
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Considering that my father is planning to vote yes on the Wisconsin gay marriage ban amendment, and considering that Catherine and Doug are even more likely to do so -- vehemently -- I thought I'd post this. Thanks to David Kuo for mentioning it on Real Time:

Once you have made the World an end, and faith a means, you have almost won your...
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Hi. Oh, my. Seems to be a ledge here. Sign says, um, edge of the... what? Oh, yeah. World.
