Our cd release show is tonight and I'm ready...A friend we met in St. Louis drove down for the show and we have other friends coming from Austin and Houston. I hope the show goes well but normally I try to not get too excited about it up front so I don't get my hopes dashed. I don't like being dissapointed so I kinda stack the deck in my favor if possible for my emotional stability...Sat. night show is in Houston at Axiom. I haven't played in Houston in years....can't wait..
Boxcar Satan (cd release)
Oh, Beast! (austin)
the Bontempi Bros.(austin)
Friday, Nov.7, 2003 @
Tacoland, San Antonio,TX
Love and Piss,
Boxcar Satan (cd release)
Oh, Beast! (austin)
the Bontempi Bros.(austin)
Friday, Nov.7, 2003 @
Tacoland, San Antonio,TX
Love and Piss,
oh, i'm still gonna go out. i have to support my man and his band (radio show)! i dunno if you've heard of them. drinking has never been a big thing for me and i quit smoking the day i found out i was pregnant. i'll just be sure to bring ear plugs and a nice sweater orsomething to wrap around my belly to try to block some of the vibrations. glad your show went well!! if you're not doing anything on tuesday the 11th, radio show will be playing at sin13 with mae. i dunno how you feel about that kind of music, but mae is so yummy!!

I so wish I was well enough to go!!! gotta let me know how it goes!