o.k. so im just leaving a little post before i take off for tonights show in okc with sat. night in st. louis. st. louis is one of our faves as we play a cool place called fredricks musical inn. its like a 1930's speakeasy with a beer garden and a stage the size of a postage stamp. cant beat it though for hospitality and friendliness (im big on that). before i get out i just wanted to thank my new friend lenX (or as he would say "len to the mutha-fuckin X" ) for keeping it real around here and letting me know im not talking (only) to myself (or as sly stone would say "mice elf").
of yeah, so i was trying to iron my dress shirts for the tour, ( we normally all wear ties) and of course my iron wont heat up all the way. serves me right for trying to be a pretty boy. anyway, i chunk the thing into the trash and wouldnt you know, ... it wasnt hot enough to press clothes but it sure the hell was hot enough to scorch the plastic bag and add the wonderful aroma of heated garbage to my house.

i'll post whenever i can this month. we wont be home till right before halloween.


Dude, are you ever going to tell me your band's name. I have heard Drums and Tuba and they kick ass.