Yo, good stuff i dont have to work in Kent for a week yay!!
Went to a 6 hour long Kickboxing show last evening, was really good, literally kicked ass!
Movies i've seen this week were Drag me to Hell - 4 stars, some good shocks, funny and liked the (slightly predictable) ending. Other was Wolverine - 2 stars, i'm a marvel fan boy but...
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Went to a 6 hour long Kickboxing show last evening, was really good, literally kicked ass!
Movies i've seen this week were Drag me to Hell - 4 stars, some good shocks, funny and liked the (slightly predictable) ending. Other was Wolverine - 2 stars, i'm a marvel fan boy but...
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So i'm back again, got back from my month off travelling, had a fucking awesome time. Arrived from amsterdam last sunday, went to work monday, away, in kent, which is bloody 250 miles away! My cat seems to have gone mental in the cattery, hes either traumatised or now a career criminal!
Got a great call from my bank saying someone tried to use my...
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Got a great call from my bank saying someone tried to use my...
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Sitting drinking an irish coffee right now, wondering upon the futility of my computer game addiction.
Had an odd burst of creativity just lately, lots of kinda cool ideas for my ongoing comic book project (all ideas no actual work) I am a terribly lazy bastard, lettings others provide me with worlds to play with. My doubt is that i cant write or draw to...
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Had an odd burst of creativity just lately, lots of kinda cool ideas for my ongoing comic book project (all ideas no actual work) I am a terribly lazy bastard, lettings others provide me with worlds to play with. My doubt is that i cant write or draw to...
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My interail pass came today! Goin round Eastern Europe with my lovely lady for four weeks in May goin Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Germany, & Holland. Its gonna be intense! Scared and excited at the same time! Drop me a line if you have anywhere to recommend people! (many apologies for the excessive use of the exclamation marks

So it was my birthday on the 8th and i am now 28 years old bah! Had a mad few days, wednesday went out for a curry, thursday went out in Leeds with guys from work behaved well and resisted getting too slaughtered, got thrown out of a bar before i even got in it though which is a first! Friday went to Leeds again...
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Shameless plug time again, (Si should be paying me for this)
Latest film out on DVD in the UK from my friends - The Devils Chair
i know its kinda cheesy and stuff at the start but stick with it to the very end, trust me...
Dunno if its released in any format in US but i know they just had the premiere for Blood...
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Latest film out on DVD in the UK from my friends - The Devils Chair
i know its kinda cheesy and stuff at the start but stick with it to the very end, trust me...
Dunno if its released in any format in US but i know they just had the premiere for Blood...
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Man i ache like a bastard today, legs, arms, shoulders. Went power kiting for the first time yesterday with some friends and only almost got killed twice! Had a great time though makes you feel like a kid again (even though power kiting kids are liable to serious injury or death), who knew getting dragged round a field strapped to a 4 foot kite could...
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Must blog must blog must stop playing world of warcrack!
Speedy updates - Guitar Hero III rocks, new Prodigy album kicks ass, playing Metal and Punk on building sites is awesome, got engaged at new years in Dublin, recently had party in Wakey for engagement much merriment had with old buddies, been to many shows Alkialine Trio, Random Hand etc, find twiitter irritating and pointless,...
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Speedy updates - Guitar Hero III rocks, new Prodigy album kicks ass, playing Metal and Punk on building sites is awesome, got engaged at new years in Dublin, recently had party in Wakey for engagement much merriment had with old buddies, been to many shows Alkialine Trio, Random Hand etc, find twiitter irritating and pointless,...
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Finally back from the wilderness of London, been working crazy hours for crazy money, away from all that i hold dear, time to dive back in
Hello. You live near me! My friends are all from Horbury.