back from paris finally, had a blast but the eurostar is a fucking rip-off!
I'm in a wierd place right now, managed to get a bit of work, been doing 11 hour days for 7 straight days including the weekend, so guess i'm tired. I feel discontented, i'm not enjoying the work, plus i've got a bit of a panic on about some upcoming events.
Anyway i'm coming on alright with my climbing, really think i'm progressing, fucking makes...
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Went bouldering on friday night, new experience, was really cool though, highlights my general lack of body strength though, plus wasnt a great idea to go cycling for 10 miles the day before, feel like i've been beaten with sticks for the last two days, guess that just shows how unfit i am haha!

Got a couple weeks work too, so life is a little...
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Lifes a fucking drag

I'm becoming a miserable wretched hermit, need a good kick in the head, this unemployment shit sucks.
Why cant these fuckers i'm sending applications to at least acknowledge them? I could these fucking jobs easy, i know i have a high opinion of myself, but i work twice as hard and am twice as smart as most of these other dicks....
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numbing the pain of self-enforced isolation with red-wine and videogames, becoming a dangerous recluse surreal
Just finished story mode on Arkham Asylum, and i think i'm in love with Harley Quinn she is hot!

Just thought i'd share biggrin
soooo... whatever

still unemployed, though kinda technically self-employed.

I feel like i've gone a long way down a path that i didnt mean to and now theres no way back.

Plus havin a bad case of the lonely misanthrope, want one of those best friends that everyone else seems to have, must try to rectify.

listening to - Hadouken, Rammestein
playing - Red Alert 3,...
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^^ I should probably add that's in The Sims, not real life (just incase anyone reads that out of context!)
playing cooker maze of fire was another good one, think i'm disturbed biggrin
Fucking fed up of unemployment now, excessive videogames eventually has bored me, gonna have to set my sights lower and get some shitty factory job again, stuff of my nightmares mad

Good luck to the Iranians btw, viva la revolution!
Went to see Rammstein at Manchester arena last night, and fuck do they put on a damn good show! From exploding laser babies, flame-thrower masks, setting a guy on fire with a benzine pump, shooting foam over the crowd with a penis-cannon, and an ever changing stage. I've been bedazzled and beaten, all is good biggrin
soooo... got no money so cant buy any comics noooo! re-reading the collection thank fuck its extensive smile

managed to pick up Disgaea 3 for my ps3 currently playin excessive amounts of it, plus it cost me -3 cos i got loads for Wii Zelda smile

being unemployed was fun for a week, less so this week, and irritatingly i am actually missin going to work now!...
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