So i'm back again, got back from my month off travelling, had a fucking awesome time. Arrived from amsterdam last sunday, went to work monday, away, in kent, which is bloody 250 miles away! My cat seems to have gone mental in the cattery, hes either traumatised or now a career criminal!
Got a great call from my bank saying someone tried to use my credit card in a petrol station in canada! The cheeky fuckers!
Think i'm in shock from holiday, dont see the next thing to look forward to yet, need a long term goal to work towards, work is a drag, but it could be worse.

Got a great call from my bank saying someone tried to use my credit card in a petrol station in canada! The cheeky fuckers!
Think i'm in shock from holiday, dont see the next thing to look forward to yet, need a long term goal to work towards, work is a drag, but it could be worse.