Must blog must blog must stop playing world of warcrack!
Speedy updates - Guitar Hero III rocks, new Prodigy album kicks ass, playing Metal and Punk on building sites is awesome, got engaged at new years in Dublin, recently had party in Wakey for engagement much merriment had with old buddies, been to many shows Alkialine Trio, Random Hand etc, find twiitter irritating and pointless, enjoyed Watchmen movie more than i thought i would, am about to go travelling round eastern europe for a month scary and exciting at same time! <breath> want more tattoos, want mohican back, considering merits of school reunion, walked into a steel girder at work - stupid, watched more and more films quality all over place, discovered audio bully on colin murreys show, bought netbook and broke internet, fixed internet by chance, trying to curb my comic book addiction by rereading collection - mixed results, considering vegas wedding family not so happy friends very happy hmmm, saga of my comic book never getting written or drawn
Vow to blog more, get conscience stream out, and i'm done
Speedy updates - Guitar Hero III rocks, new Prodigy album kicks ass, playing Metal and Punk on building sites is awesome, got engaged at new years in Dublin, recently had party in Wakey for engagement much merriment had with old buddies, been to many shows Alkialine Trio, Random Hand etc, find twiitter irritating and pointless, enjoyed Watchmen movie more than i thought i would, am about to go travelling round eastern europe for a month scary and exciting at same time! <breath> want more tattoos, want mohican back, considering merits of school reunion, walked into a steel girder at work - stupid, watched more and more films quality all over place, discovered audio bully on colin murreys show, bought netbook and broke internet, fixed internet by chance, trying to curb my comic book addiction by rereading collection - mixed results, considering vegas wedding family not so happy friends very happy hmmm, saga of my comic book never getting written or drawn
Vow to blog more, get conscience stream out, and i'm done