ah my drama, so im on the verge of being homeless.. fucking not cool,the chick i was suppose to move in with is not picking up her cell phone so im screwed, ive left messeges left and right, so i found someone off craigslist and call hima nd went and met him told him that i had to be outta here tonight, and he said he would call me around 9-10pm to tell me whats up, so im just waiting to know if im homeless or what right now.. which isnt good, my uncle/friend of the family will take my stuff, and i might have a friend that i could stay with for the night.. if im lucky.. and sneak my animals in.. i dunno.. i hope this guy lets me move in and all.. wish me luck on not being homeless.. this place is on univis. and mcClintok.. ;/ heh.. gonna call a friend and see if i can get him over here or something to sit with me.. and cry with me lol..

Not homeless I hope, haven't heard from you in awhile just checking in!