Testing the time ov ten thousand lives on the line when nothing iz ever really fine and they all sit eating thier bread and wine waiting for the next in line to die and still the stars blink out ov existance like so much nothingness in the air its there only az long az yoo can stare deep into the abyss of your soul yoo sole from the eternal hole dig deeper still never will yoo stop till it iz all sed and done and your mind iz your gunn iz your weapon ov choice your thunder and lightening your voice your own personal piece ov hell unearth the relics from your mind body your soul your nothingness your toll paid in full of hate yoo love to sedate your thoughts yoo rape and kill and destroy your own dreamz that shatter like a glass half empty spilt over the sunset sky the white lie the desecrated dont die the question why the goodbyes and hi's the pie in the sky iz only az high az an eye can try and see the whole lie standing by the white room recesses ov your minds fourth eye to cry to fly into crimson tinted skies bleeding dry the blood ov the innocents lost and innocense found discarded and drowned under a sea ov hatred engulfing the spirit with salt water dishonesty ov the werdz sed and the life bled ov the ideas tossed aside az the children sit and cried yoo merely watched with snowblind eyes the ocean ov fear subsides and the stillness calm like a drama queen outburst waiting to explode a tsunami cazkade ov frozen werdz frozen in tyme in tyme for a crime a crime ov passion a passion for thoughts and thoughts into actions reactions dissatisfaction with the limits placed yoo stand in a disgrace pose az your heart races and yoo finally look upon what must be faced...
Testing the time ov ten thousand lives on the line when nothing iz ever really fine and they all sit eating thier bread and wine waiting for the next in line to die and still the stars blink out ov existance like so much nothingness in the air its there only az long az yoo can stare deep into the abyss of your soul yoo sole from the eternal hole dig deeper still never will yoo stop till it iz all sed and done and your mind iz your gunn iz your weapon ov choice your thunder and lightening your voice your own personal piece ov hell unearth the relics from your mind body your soul your nothingness your toll paid in full of hate yoo love to sedate your thoughts yoo rape and kill and destroy your own dreamz that shatter like a glass half empty spilt over the sunset sky the white lie the desecrated dont die the question why the goodbyes and hi's the pie in the sky iz only az high az an eye can try and see the whole lie standing by the white room recesses ov your minds fourth eye to cry to fly into crimson tinted skies bleeding dry the blood ov the innocents lost and innocense found discarded and drowned under a sea ov hatred engulfing the spirit with salt water dishonesty ov the werdz sed and the life bled ov the ideas tossed aside az the children sit and cried yoo merely watched with snowblind eyes the ocean ov fear subsides and the stillness calm like a drama queen outburst waiting to explode a tsunami cazkade ov frozen werdz frozen in tyme in tyme for a crime a crime ov passion a passion for thoughts and thoughts into actions reactions dissatisfaction with the limits placed yoo stand in a disgrace pose az your heart races and yoo finally look upon what must be faced...
CXS Group