>>>The Searing Flesh Wounds ov Tyme<<<
An ache of pain shot straight into the jagged edge moment ov disbelief broken dreams broke down machines leaking false fantasma ov barren fields ov shattered glass reflecting tiny moments ov someone else a 2nd out ov time in the 3rd person passing through the 4th dimension in a coffin built for two more reasons the sudden slow shifting seasons seem to know that sumthing wikked this way comes bringing half lives and quarter centuaries ov past lives and broken lives and new lives and old lives and living lives wishing they were dead lives wishing they could taste life just one more tyme around the block solid with vacuous human waste ov tragedy in the face ov sweet disgrace falling into the background painting the sun has yet to dry still wet with the fresh born thoughts ov a new day waking up to the smell ov the flesh burning off minutes gone seconds ticking away ov life on the line ov tyme passing by an inferno ov reactions to reactions an infection a promise ov self mutilation two wrongs making a left turn into a subconcious back alley on your hands and knees crawling through the wreckage ov your past life a past so tense so much more than you can handle a little past ten in the morning and still your mind iz soaring above it all waiting in horride anticipation for the downfall ov un-civilization the realization that self improvement iz masturbation and the real work has yet to be done to recreate the human equation re:examine the human condition we're all living in a post nuclear haze ov con:fusion a ticking tyme bomb counting down your lifetymes equals the square root ov pi divided by the multiple personalities in your minds eye seeing the pain drain from your brain a stain that cant be washed away wont be washed away shouldnt be washed away the shame the blame take a picture and hang it in a crooked frame reflekting your disdain outside the rain falling from a bleeding sky its open wounds dripping salty tears into the searing flesh wounds ov tyme...
An ache of pain shot straight into the jagged edge moment ov disbelief broken dreams broke down machines leaking false fantasma ov barren fields ov shattered glass reflecting tiny moments ov someone else a 2nd out ov time in the 3rd person passing through the 4th dimension in a coffin built for two more reasons the sudden slow shifting seasons seem to know that sumthing wikked this way comes bringing half lives and quarter centuaries ov past lives and broken lives and new lives and old lives and living lives wishing they were dead lives wishing they could taste life just one more tyme around the block solid with vacuous human waste ov tragedy in the face ov sweet disgrace falling into the background painting the sun has yet to dry still wet with the fresh born thoughts ov a new day waking up to the smell ov the flesh burning off minutes gone seconds ticking away ov life on the line ov tyme passing by an inferno ov reactions to reactions an infection a promise ov self mutilation two wrongs making a left turn into a subconcious back alley on your hands and knees crawling through the wreckage ov your past life a past so tense so much more than you can handle a little past ten in the morning and still your mind iz soaring above it all waiting in horride anticipation for the downfall ov un-civilization the realization that self improvement iz masturbation and the real work has yet to be done to recreate the human equation re:examine the human condition we're all living in a post nuclear haze ov con:fusion a ticking tyme bomb counting down your lifetymes equals the square root ov pi divided by the multiple personalities in your minds eye seeing the pain drain from your brain a stain that cant be washed away wont be washed away shouldnt be washed away the shame the blame take a picture and hang it in a crooked frame reflekting your disdain outside the rain falling from a bleeding sky its open wounds dripping salty tears into the searing flesh wounds ov tyme...

Thank you!