Blood Lust RomantikS
(Original miX)
Sacrifice your tunnel visioN
Look outside your minD
Feel the heated mental tensioN
Searching to be defineD
Lost and feeling more alonE
Shocked into submissioN
Close to being an unknowN
Outside your tunnel visioN
Defined by your inner turmoiL
Ingest your lost subconciousnesS
Feel the fever pitch insanity boiL
The answers into your unconciousnesS
Memories turned into chrome-plated dusT
A lethal snake waiting to uncoiL
You cant seem to adjusT
To so much inner turmoiL
Broken trains ov thoughT
A mentally deprived sensatioN
Illegal ideas caughT
And lost before thier creatioN
Memories lost like blood from a cuT
Aleady forgetting that which yoo soughT
No longer stuck in a human ruT
Cant seem to hold on to a single thoughT
Skin to tight to hold yoU
Bursting at invisible seamS
The hunger telling yoo what to dO
Waiting for those lovely screamS
Whos thoughts are yoo thinkinG
Whos mind did yoo trade witH
Your personality iz shrinkinG
Lost within a black metal monolitH
(Original miX)
Sacrifice your tunnel visioN
Look outside your minD
Feel the heated mental tensioN
Searching to be defineD
Lost and feeling more alonE
Shocked into submissioN
Close to being an unknowN
Outside your tunnel visioN
Defined by your inner turmoiL
Ingest your lost subconciousnesS
Feel the fever pitch insanity boiL
The answers into your unconciousnesS
Memories turned into chrome-plated dusT
A lethal snake waiting to uncoiL
You cant seem to adjusT
To so much inner turmoiL
Broken trains ov thoughT
A mentally deprived sensatioN
Illegal ideas caughT
And lost before thier creatioN
Memories lost like blood from a cuT
Aleady forgetting that which yoo soughT
No longer stuck in a human ruT
Cant seem to hold on to a single thoughT
Skin to tight to hold yoU
Bursting at invisible seamS
The hunger telling yoo what to dO
Waiting for those lovely screamS
Whos thoughts are yoo thinkinG
Whos mind did yoo trade witH
Your personality iz shrinkinG
Lost within a black metal monolitH