Can't believe how fast this years gone by, definitely doing a lot of reflecting of these past few months and thinking heavily about what I want to come from this next year. The first that comes to mind is my environment, as an artist I'm so damn picky about how, where, and when I want to work that when I do sit down its usually for hours on end just to capture the moment. With that said my goal for this coming year is Seattle. I've been dying to move up that way but saying it doesn't get me anywhere, so now its the focus. Secondly is my health, I usually eat pretty well but not half as well as I should, I feel in decent shape but theres nothing like feeling fully content and alive and knowing that my vessel is shipshape. Thirdly is compassion. I had it inked into my flesh to never forget the sound of compassion and I feel from certain experiences that have happened this year, I've veered somewhat but that should never be an excuse. I suppose there is more that I would like to see from 2011 and as time persists I will reflect on more. Thats it for now friends, have a wonderful New Year and hope you all see the best come out in the passing months.