One of the best days I had in a while(yesturday). I picked went to see Heather and she looks beautiful as always. We went to del taco. It was bomb I love being with her. Its funny cuz we think alike especially about the way we think about stuff which is about the same. Great minds think alike. Then we were on the way to the concert but we had to wait for joe cuz he takes his sweet mexican ass time. so we missed the bus cuz of his ass. so we caught the next bus and met 4 convicts. they were kool i thought. one of them try to sit next to my Heather but i wasnt about to let that happen so i sat next to her i guard her with my life. so then we went to the hob we got there just in time right when ppl were just walking in but we had upstairs seating until joe redeem himself by talkng to the bouncer on letting us get to the floor and he did it. Hayley kicked soooo much ass at the show. she so rocked that place out i fucken love her. she looked hella beautiful at the she but heather still looked better. but if u havent seen paramore then ur missing out sooo bad cuz theyre fucken and i cant wait to see them next time they yeah after the concert we went to dennys i wanted a root beer float but i ended up having the munchies lol then i walked heather home and i got sad cuz i dont like being away from her. then joe went home and i got home around 1am couldnt sleep cuz the show was still runing thru my mind they are that good and if u dont kno who paramore theyre on my top, do some research bitches hehe im out