I still feel like garbage, I was told I have "Gastritis" which is damage to my stomach lining, overall it makes me very uncomfortable and jittery, and is quite annoying. mad
feel better.
I find my self unable to relax or sleep at night.
I've always had a fear of death, of closing my eyes to sleep and simply not opening them again in the morning.
Tonight is no different, only tonight it seems, unless I distract myself, I find myself gripped by intense fear.

I'm not a fit guy, I'm lazy, inactive, and I shouldn't be, it's...
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As if missing the alarm wasn't enough, it was pouring rain when I went outside to get to work.
I don't mind the rain if I can enjoy it at my own choice, but this was a cold "haha, you suck" rain.
I need to make some friends on here, so I'm not just talking to myself when I blog. frown
Thank you!
I miss that too.
I wish there were something more interesting to do at work. I could play WoW if I wanted to, but to be honest, I prefer to be home to play it, since here we don't generally allow the installation of mods and addons, so my gameplay feels limited. No matter, I'll get home eventually.

In other news, I'm kind of excited for the expansion now,...
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I really should update this more often, but I usually say what I have to say to other people, seems more interesting that way. These days it's become difficult to find anyone who's a decent conversationalist, people tend to keep to themselves, and don't say anything for fear of reprisal. This month, the 17th is a day of change. What am I talking about, well...
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These days I've been feeling limited by my guild in WoW, I'm very much in the mood to advance and raid, and the guild/alliance on the whole is satisfied to progress at a much slower pace. So sometime this week I'll be leaving my current guild and attempting to join a guild that makes excellent progress on my server, I look forward to see how...
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Under the suggestion of the wonderful Oryx, I purchased a year's worth of SG membership.
I look forward to everything this year brings to SG!
thanks for the set comment. i appreciate it. smile

how's thunder bay?
At the moment it's incerdibly humid and hot, I try to stay inside a lot, I'm not a fan of being slowly cooked.
All in all though, it's decent. My work is helpful in the enjoyment aspect as well.
Thanks for the "Thank You"!
BTW, I'm an avid WoW player myself, maybe we can chat sometime. smile