Be it known to ye that this day be Talk Like A Pirate Day. I be the Black Monkey, here to regale ye of me dastardly deeds while speakin' like a proper sea-dog.
Know ye then, ye lubbers, that it's quite a job to be speakin' in the proper manner while on the phone with a job like mine. The barnacle sucking bilge-rats I work with liked to have scuttled me for speaking proper on such an auspicious day, but I squared their yards for 'em right proper. Sent them caterwaulin' back to the orlop like a pair of catemite cabin-boys for certain. "Stop screwing around, Rob," ain't a term of respect one might offer the Black Monkey, especially from them who don't know a cap square from a cascabel.
So fair winds, me hearties, and make sure you give a good "Arrrgh!" to yer favorite someone this day before you begin any boarding actions. Drive 'em bosun, and belay every inch of that.
ps. Incidentally, if you're ever curious about a bit of nautical lore, feel free to drop me a note and I'll tell you about it.
Know ye then, ye lubbers, that it's quite a job to be speakin' in the proper manner while on the phone with a job like mine. The barnacle sucking bilge-rats I work with liked to have scuttled me for speaking proper on such an auspicious day, but I squared their yards for 'em right proper. Sent them caterwaulin' back to the orlop like a pair of catemite cabin-boys for certain. "Stop screwing around, Rob," ain't a term of respect one might offer the Black Monkey, especially from them who don't know a cap square from a cascabel.
So fair winds, me hearties, and make sure you give a good "Arrrgh!" to yer favorite someone this day before you begin any boarding actions. Drive 'em bosun, and belay every inch of that.

ps. Incidentally, if you're ever curious about a bit of nautical lore, feel free to drop me a note and I'll tell you about it.
yea... ill be at all posted tour dates... yay!