I was fucking around with my account settings and accidentally deleted my few friends. Figures. It doesn't matter I guess, we never talk anyways.
All and all, I'm getting pretty bored here. I was hoping to make some friends, but most people's attitudes are annoying at best and fucking moronic at worst. I guess it's just not my style, or maybe I'm just getting old....
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All and all, I'm getting pretty bored here. I was hoping to make some friends, but most people's attitudes are annoying at best and fucking moronic at worst. I guess it's just not my style, or maybe I'm just getting old....
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Monday's just shouldn't start out as badly as mine did today. If it's any indication of the week to come, then I fear I'll have to kill someone.
My only bright point is that I found out I'll get to meet George R. R. Martin (one of my favorite authors) next month when he's in the Bay Area.
My only bright point is that I found out I'll get to meet George R. R. Martin (one of my favorite authors) next month when he's in the Bay Area.

Early day for me today. See you next week, bitches!

I no longer have a motor vehicle of any kind.
For the first time in over 20 years, I'm a car guy with no car.
Donations welcome. Preferably a clean '55-'56 Chevy 2-door.
For the first time in over 20 years, I'm a car guy with no car.
Donations welcome. Preferably a clean '55-'56 Chevy 2-door.

that sux. i love my car. i'm going to be so sad when it dies, which will be soon i think. 

Another day at ye olde grindstone.
BTW, fuck you very much for anyone who voted for Bush.
BTW, fuck you very much for anyone who voted for Bush.
Suz and I went out to dinner and then to some little dive jazz bar last night and got toasted. I feel like complete dog shit today and I'm sure it won't get better very quickly, but god DAMN we had a great time.

I got promoted today. I'm now a director, but I get no extra money, have nobody working for me, and still do the same job. This was how our CIO decided to reorganize me so I could still answer to someone but retain my autonomous status. Whatever.
I heard from an old friend yesterday who just got out of the service. I used to work...
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I heard from an old friend yesterday who just got out of the service. I used to work...
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Thx for your message
I love this movie but my name wasn't inspired by the 5th Element !
I am not perfect as her
Sorry for my english

I love this movie but my name wasn't inspired by the 5th Element !
I am not perfect as her

Sorry for my english
I was loathe to update my journal, because it had a comment from my favorite SG, Eliska. But, life moves on and me and Suz will hopefully get to meet her in person when the show comes to San Francisco in November.
In other news, I have another new boss. I've never met him, he's never met me, he barely speaks my language, and...
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In other news, I have another new boss. I've never met him, he's never met me, he barely speaks my language, and...
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It belongs to my friend Squirrell, and it's a 1950 Lincoln
Be it known to ye that this day be Talk Like A Pirate Day. I be the Black Monkey, here to regale ye of me dastardly deeds while speakin' like a proper sea-dog.
Know ye then, ye lubbers, that it's quite a job to be speakin' in the proper manner while on the phone with a job like mine. The barnacle sucking bilge-rats I...
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Know ye then, ye lubbers, that it's quite a job to be speakin' in the proper manner while on the phone with a job like mine. The barnacle sucking bilge-rats I...
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yea... ill be at all posted tour dates... yay!