You are lucky as you are a beautiful woman and would have no problems in finding willing partners for either type of relationship. I can safely say I cannot do the comparison because it's not true for me like that. I am a loving person but I need the sex too. you're absolutely right in that the loving relationship has more potential and means more. i was saying that gluing the two elements together is something that is not easy and I could liken it to the (almost impossible) myth of reaching simultaneous climax for both partners in sex it is more of a dream than a reality.
I understand what you are saying about this. I hope your search in life is successful.
Eh, toi non plus tu updates pas des masses en ce moment !!!
Je vais essayer de le faire assez rapidement, mais c'est vrai qu'entre dprime et concerts, j'ai pas eu beaucoup de temps tranquille.
Bon, on va dire en tout cas que moralement c'est pas encore a du tout. Mais bon, va falloir continuer vivre. C'est paradoxale car d'un ct, aprs une dception amoureuse pareille, j'aurais envie d'tre tranquille, et de l'autre, j'aurais bien envie de me faire bichonner un peu par une fille !
Et toi, comment vas-tu ? A part tre mignonne, tu fais quoi en ce moment !
You are lucky as you are a beautiful woman and would have no problems in finding willing partners for either type of relationship. I can safely say I cannot do the comparison because it's not true for me like that. I am a loving person but I need the sex too. you're absolutely right in that the loving relationship has more potential and means more. i was saying that gluing the two elements together is something that is not easy and I could liken it to the (almost impossible) myth of reaching simultaneous climax for both partners in sex it is more of a dream than a reality.
I understand what you are saying about this. I hope your search in life is successful.
Je vais essayer de le faire assez rapidement, mais c'est vrai qu'entre dprime et concerts, j'ai pas eu beaucoup de temps tranquille.
Bon, on va dire en tout cas que moralement c'est pas encore a du tout. Mais bon, va falloir continuer vivre. C'est paradoxale car d'un ct, aprs une dception amoureuse pareille, j'aurais envie d'tre tranquille, et de l'autre, j'aurais bien envie de me faire bichonner un peu par une fille !
Et toi, comment vas-tu ? A part tre mignonne, tu fais quoi en ce moment !